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a week had gone by since jungkook and his friends got fired and in all honesty he was doing really well, they pay was great, he was surrounded by better and more friendly people, he was doing what he loved without being worried 24/7.

jimin and hoseok are also enjoying being in the hybe company as it was different from mr. han's company. It was nicer, cleaner and a lot more friendly. of course you have the people now and then who are rude but you get that anywhere I guess.

taehyung on the other hand was not good at all, he spent the whole week not eating, not showing up to work. he was devastated that jungkook got fired and he was heartbroken that jungkook stopped talking to him.

he locked himself up in his house and did not tell anyone anything, he wanted to be alone- not that anyone cared anyways so he thought. he misses jungkook so much, he is so incredibly unhappy where he is now and he does not know what he can do.

taehyung had the fear that if he bumped into jungkook he would ignore him, as much as he wants to see the male. If he saw him blatantly ignore him it would break his heart. He wishes that jungkook would have just listened to him.

he had no idea at all that mr han was planning on firing anyone, he texted taehyung telling him to meet him by the dance practice room as he had concert teams for the dancing classes to sort out. so when the silver-haired male heard his boss say he was firing people and once he heard jungkook's name he felt his heart stop.

the look jungkook gave him, he could never forget it. 

when taehyung spoke to him, every word that jungkook said broke him. jungkook was his only friend, he trusted the male so much, and for jungkook to not even listen to him or believe him that definitely hurt. In all honesty he missed the male a lot. 

he grew quite attached to jungkook, he was one of the only people he felt safe around besides jin and namjoon but they were always busy.

ever since he started talking to jungkook he realised that maybe it was time for him to move out of the current company he is in now, its toxic and he realised that through opening up about it to jungkook.

the contract had ended but he did not think mr. han even realises that but taehyung needs to start looking into other companies, he has had many offers over the years but obviously couldn't look into it as he had a contract with Mr. Han.

taehyung was currently at work, deciding he needed to go back before he got into even more trouble, he was in his office looking through the schedule for today and saw he had a meeting with some higher ups.

taehyung looked at the time for the meeting to see he was 5 minutes late. "shit" taehyung said grabbing his things and rushing out of his office to the second floor where the meeting was being held.

he rushed inside the room and bowed when the people in the meeting looked at him.

"sorry I am late" taehyung bowed and took aseat.

"I apologise that he is late, now back to what we were talking about" mr. han said coldly turning his head to look at the others in the room.

"we are earning more and more money as time goes on, we have fired people which has caused more money and less taxes so we are doing quite well" mr. han said

"how long is taehyung signed for?" someone asks 

"he wont leave" mr. han said before changing the question

"so we have the concert in a months time" 

"I have noticed that there have been some negative comments in the youtube videos of his concert" someone said 

mr. han was about to comment but taehyung bet him to it.

"well, If you had a look majority of my comments are quite positive- it is not possible for an idol to not get negative comments, some humans have to hate on things to make them feel better about themselves" taehyung said 

"I am sorry about tha-" mr han was about to say but got cut off

"very well said mr. kim, I completely agree- no idol ever has had only positive comments" andy said as taehyung smiled and nodded

most of the people in this meeting are CEO'S of companies where they have idols signed to them, this meeting is based off making sure no one is cheating, doing anything illegal, any keep up with the code of standards.

taehyung looked at some of the other idols that were in the room and they all looked quite happy, he knew some of them but only knew them cause they are rookies just getting started.

he made eye contact with a few of them that kept looking at him, but as soon as they made eye contact they all looked away. taehyung frowned guessing maybe mr. han said that no one can look at him.

like he did every goddam meeting, sometimes mr. han makes taehyung feel like he is not human. he doesnt have his own freedom.

an hour went past and the meeting had finally ended, they all said bye to each other before the meeting room was empty.

"have a good day Mr. Han" someone said before the male smiled and shut the door, he turned back towards taehyung with an angry expression.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU" mr. Han said as he gripped taehyung's hair chucking him to the floor, "embarrassing me like that" he commented kicking taehyung who was crouching on the floor sobbing.

"s-stop" taehyung pleaded 

"you should of thought of that before you opened your mouth" mr han said before he said 

"come in boys" 

the door opened and 2 males walked into the room shutting the door behind them.

"he is all yours" mr. han said before walking out the room.

"n-no n-no" taehyung mumbles incredibly scared as he watched the two men walk closer to him.

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