you have me

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It was now morning and taehyung had been awake for about 2 hours now, going on his phone checking what some of his fans thought of the concert but also staring at jungkook for god knows how long.

jungkook was still asleep next to taehyung. taehyung quite enjoyed the concert but felt so emotionally and physically drained. sometimes taehyung feels like his passion is slowly going, it is not his fault and he knows it.

he knows it is because of his management, the only people he likes that are apart of the company is the dancers. everyone else is either mean, lazy or money hungry.

taehyung always thinks back to how he got into this mess, at the start mr han was super nice to him but as soon as he signed the contract he changed. the agreement he had signed is that he had to work will him for 4 years and the rest was about money.

taehyung was young at the time so he never really understood what the contract was saying but last year was his last year signed with him but taehyung only realised the other day that they were meant to re sign the contract.

but taehyung knows he is stuck with him for the rest of his career. 

"tae" jungkook whispered, the silver-haired male lifted his head from jungkook's chest and smiled

"good morning ggukie" taehyung said smiling

"morning tae, how did you sleep" jungkook hummed looking at taehyung who slid out of bed

"really well, how about you" jungkook smiled "good" he said staring at taehyung who walked to the front of the bus to look out the window to see they were still driving. 

"we still on the road?" jungkook asked as he saw taehyung nod and walk back to the bed

"how long do we have left?" jungkook asked

taehyung shrugged looking at his phone to check where they were

"maybe like one more hour" taehyung said looking at jungkook who smirked


taehyung blushed and laid back down into the bed 

"did you watch that movie last night, sorry I fell asleep" taehyung said as he slipped his fingers by jungkook's 

"I wanted you to sleep so dont say sorry, I watched a little bit but fell asleep quite quickly" jungkook said watching taehyung play with his fingers.

"how are you feeling" jungkook asked taehyung who looked up at him

"better" taehyung said 

"do you know what mr han's plans are for when we all return back?" jungkook asked

"no clue at all" taehyung said frowning.

"would you ever leave the company?" taehyung asked jungkook who looked at him thrown off by the question

"u-uhm maybe one day" jungkook said 

"you?" jungkook asked

"I would like to, I just would not know where to go" taehyung asked as jungkook nodded understanding.

"what do you wanna do now?" taehyung asked jungkook who looked at him and shrugged his shoulders

"wanna play truth or dare?" taehyung asked smiling widely 

"okay, you go first" jungkook chuckled at taehyung's goofiness

"okay T or D" taehyung said 

"truth" jungkook said 

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