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It was back to normal now. jungkook was currently at the company practicing some dances while taehyung was in his officer looking over feedback from his concert. he smiled when he was reading all the positive feedback.

he flinched when he heard the front door slam open to reveal a very angry mr han who was holding papers in his hand. he watched as the male walked over to his desk and threw the papers right in front of him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" mr han yelled at taehyung who flinched and looked at the papers, eyes scanning the words to see it was videos from his concert and a few negative messages.

"w-what-" taehyung started but got cut off by mr. han who walked over from behind the desk to in front of him.

"how dare you think it is okay to get negative feedback, this is all filled with it" mr. han said clearly angry as taehyung frowned

"w-why do you even care so much if I get negative feedback" taehyung questioned but soon gasped as he was pulled from his seat and thrown against the wall.

taehyung gasped as he felt a sting on the side of his cheek and a punch to his gut.

"how dare you, I could lose all my money because of you" mr. han said watching as taehyung fell to the ground crying.

"so fucking useless" mr. Han said kicking taehyung's stomach once more before leaving the office slamming the door.

taehyung laid there crying, clutching his stomach as he felt huge waves of pain shoot through him.

"okay nice practice everyone, you all have a 10 minute break and we will get back to it" jungkook moved to the bleachers once he heard that from the dance instructor.

jungkook felt quite bad for her, she was not interested in dancing and was originally a chef but was forced by mr. han do to dancing when the old leader quit. she was an amazing cook and when everyone went to the cafeteria she would always have a bright smile on her face as she served her foods.

the male sat with jimin and hoseok who were sipping on their water as they sighed.

"sometimes these dances are so bland" hoseok said 

"It is not her fault though she isnt even a dancer, sucks that she was forced into something she did not want to do" jungkook said 

"does anyone even still go to the cafeteria now?" jimin questions as jungkook shook his head

"I dont think so" jungkook said.

jungkook was about to say something when he watched as some people came through the doors talking.

"did you hear mr. han yelling?"

"yes, I heard groaning and muffled cries- when he walked out of mr kim's office he had blood on his hand"

"yeah he looked so angry" jungkook heard as he felt his heart stop.

"I am gonna g-go grab some water" jungkook coughed as he stood up not paying attention to his friends confused looks towards his direction.

jungkook walked down the hallways rushing when there was no one to be seen, he reached taehyung's office and opened the door.

when he walked in he could not see anything, he shut the door behind him as he walked towards the couch to see feet sticking out the desk.

"taehyung!" jungkook whispered as he ran towards the male on the floor and gasped when he saw taehyung with blood on his face and bruises everywhere.

jungkook crouched down to the male and gently shook his shoulders

"tae" jungkook said as he watched taehyung's eyes open slowly as he let out a groan

"It h-hurts ggukie" taehyung cried out clutching his stomach.

jungkook cursed as he grabbed taehyung's bag and placed everything he would need inside and grabbed the keys to the males car.

jungkook lifted him up and walked out the office making sure no one was in the hallways till he went out the back door to the car park where the males car was. once he reached it he pressed the button on the keys.

he heard the car unlock and opened the door, slowly placing taehyung in the back seat.

"lay down, I am taking you to mine" jungkook said as taehyung gave a short nod before jungkook shut the door and drove off.

once jungkook pulled up to his house he parked the car and quickly grabbed taehyung from the back seat. he locked the car after grabbing taehyung's bag and the male himself and walked to the front door.

jungkook lives by himself, he lives in an apartment. It was nothing huge or big it was quite small actually. the male walked through the front door and ignored the glances from the lady at the front desk and rushed to the elevator.

once he felt the elevator move up he looked at taehyung who was opening and shutting his eyes.

"you will be okay bub, I got you" jungkook said as he watched taehyung nod and close his eyes.

jungkook stepped out the elevator once the doors opened and walked down the hallway, his feet stopped by his door. he put the pin in and walked inside, kicking the door close.

he walked to the couch and slowly lowered taehyung, he rushed to his room and grabbed some clothes putting them in the bathroom and started to run a warm bath for taehyung. once finished he walked back to Taehyung who was awake and looking around the room.

"tae" jungkook whispered crouching down next to him

"I have to clean your cuts and blood, I have run a bath for you" jungkook whispered as he watched taehyung nod and sit up slowly.

"I have to take your top off and I will clean you up then you can have warm bath" jungkook said grabbing the hem of the male's top and lifted it over his head.

the brown-haired male gulped as he saw how badly bruised taehyung is, he hid his worried eyes and started to grab the first aid kit that was under the sink.

"It h-hurts ggukie" jungkook kissed his forehead "all finished love" jungkook said

"I will clean up while you have a warm bath, I will leave the bathroom door unlocked call me if you need anything" jungkook said as he watched taehyung nod.

jungkook rushed out the room after shutting the door, he made sure his bed was made and cleaned anything that was messy.

he grabbed a few items from the kitchen and started to make some toasted sandwiches. 

time went by and jungkook had a plate filled with cheese toasted sandwiches which he knows is taehyung's favourite.

"g-gukie?" he heard taehyung say from behind him, he turned around to see the male wrapped in his jumper and sweat pants holding onto the door frame. jungkook walked towards him and wrapped his arm around his waist gently.

"lets get you to the couch tae" jungkook said as the slowly walked to couch, once taehyung was seated he ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the plate bringing it to taehyung.

"you made me cheese toasted sandwiches" taehyung said with a bright smile

"of course I did" jungkook said handing him the plate

jungkook could tell that taehyung was tired so he put some TV on and waited for the male to finish eating. 

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