the truth comes out

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andy sat there listening to every word Jungkook was saying in shock, he knew mr. han was dick but he just thought he was a rich dick not an abusive manipulative one. andy's eyes travelled from jungkook to taehyung. watching taehyung's reactions to what jungkook was describing.

"Is there proof of this abuse?, dont get me wrong I am not saying your lying but its a huge statement  to make about someone" andy said 

"yeah, we do have proof" jungkook said as andy nodded

"mr. Kim, how long was your contract with him and have you ever been signed with another company" andy asked looking at taehyung 

"t-the contract was for around 4-5 years and the contract had ended this year but I w-was not s-sure on where to go or what to do" taehyung said 

"that is okay, I dont wanna pressure you into signing so what we are going to do is- today and tomorrow we will run things how we normally run stuff and you can observe and watch and by tomorrow you can decided if you want to sign with us" andy said taking taehyung and little back by surprise. 

taehyung was not really expecting Andy to say that in all honesty, the male has read many articles from different companies saying they want someone like himself on their company straight away. taehyung liked this though, he felt happy that it was his choice. 

was also quite thankful that andy suggested that, it already makes the boss and company look good in his eyes.

taehyung nodded. 

"we can start now, jungkook can show you around and you can watch what we do for today and tomorrow- if you have any questions please ask me whenever you need- this will run how you want to so if you want to meet anyone you can" andy said 

"do you have producers?" taehyung asked

"yes we do, his name is min yoongi and he is one of our only producers but her is super talented- he is here today so feel free to have a chat with him if you want" andy said 

"where do you want to start tae?" jungkook asked watching as the male put the jumper hood over his head and placed the glasses on his eyes.

"maybe a tour?"  taehyung said 

"follow me" jungkook smiled as they left the room and decided to head down to the first floor.

the day flew by very quickly, it was now the afternoon and mostly everyone was going home. jungkook spent the day showing taehyung around the place answering all the questions the male had.

taehyung had a few that jungkook was not sure on but he knew if taehyung wanted to join the company that andy was going to talk to him about stuff so he could ask then.

"thank you for showing me around ggukie" taehyung said as they reached his car

"do you want a ride home?" taehyung asked watching as jungkook nodded

the car was a little silent, while taehyung was driving he was thinking about what he has seen today. did he like it? was it better then his past company?. yes it was, he knew it was so much better but it was still nerve racking for him. 

at the start when he signed with mr han he had so much trust in that male, but as time went on it changed and he lost his freedom and his earnings. he felt like he lost most of his passion as well. 

taehyung knows he will sign with andy, he just hopes that this time it will be different. he will have to sign a contract. he knows this and thats the scary part. 

as soon as you sign that contract it is like your freedom is thrown away, and yes there is an option for him to not be signed but taehyung knew deep down it was the best choice for him. 

he does not know how to organise things he needed someone qualified on his side.

jungkook on the other hand was fine with the silence in the car, it was pleasant. he knew taehyung had a lot of discussions to make and it would of been a lot of information on the first day.

the dancer does hop that taehyung decides to join, he thinks it would be such a great opportunity for the male to join hybe. It also means that he gets to see the male more often.

"we are here" taehyung said pulling into the apartment complex where jungkook stays 

"thanks for dropping me off tae, see you tomorrow" jungkook said hopping out of the car. 

taehyung watched as the male rushed inside the building. taehyung was never someone to fall for someone so quickly but there was something about jungkook that made his heart skip, something about him that made him never wanna go away.

his thoughts were cut off when he heard his phone ring through the bluetooth radio. he pressed a button letting the call come through. "taehyung speaking" the male said smiling when he heard the voice from the other line

"hey tae, you home? joon and I wanna come see you" jin said 

"I am on my way home now so I will see you both there" taehyung said 

once taehyung pulled into his driveway and saw that jin's car was not there, he quickly rushed inside and went straight to the kitchen to make some coffee for his friends. 

he heard the door open and footsteps walk towards the kitchen

"where is my tae" he heard jin say 

"oh what a sweetheart already made us a coffee"jin said pulling taehyung into a tight hug who returned it.

as taehyung was giving namjoon a hug Jin said "sorry we have not been in contact with you tae, we have both been so busy, how have you been?" 

"Its okay, I have been quite busy as well" taehyung said

"yes I saw your tour video's you did so well" namjoon said sitting on the chair next to Jin 

"thank you" tae smiled as he handed them their coffee's "but that performance you did with that male dancer was incredible" jin said looking at namjoon who also nodded his head.

"oh his name his jungkook and dancing with him was definitely my highlight" taehyung said 

"we have heard some rumours and wanted to check in with you first, we went visit you at work and when we were in the elevator we heard to workers saying that you had not been into work for while and that there was blood found in a meeting room and no one has seen you since" namjoon said looking carefully at taehyung's reaction to the comment

"you dont have to tell us anything but you can if you want, we just want to make sure you're okay" jin said 

"uhm, I left the company" taehyung said avoiding eye contact

jin felt relived at first but did want to try find out more. 

"he was not really what people expected him to be like" taehyung said 

"what a dick?" jin said 

"nevermind then" taehyung let out a light chuckle. 

"he was not very nice, he had to much control over me" taehyung said 

"tae dont take this the wrong way but how come it took you so long to realise this?" jin asked 

taehyung already did see the comment coming from a mile away, he was scared. he was young when he first signed into a company and that was the start of it. 

"I was s-scared, I did not have parents to protect me or look out for me" taehyung said

"I had to made decisions myself" taehyung commented 

"tae you had us" jin said 

"I know but mr han hated me having friends if he found out I was talking to people he would go through my phone" taehyung said 

"did he ever hurt you?" namjoon said eyeing the bruise on his arm

taehyung sighed, he cant hide anymore- if he wants things to get better then this is the first step.


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