tears cant be hidden

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"you're on in 5" his manager called out as taehyung nodded and started to hum warming up his vocals while the stylist was doing his hair. from the mirror he could see the dancers warming up and could hear his manager yelling at everyone.

just another day then

taehyung sighed as he scrolled through his phone while he waited for the stylist to finish doing his har, he checks his messages to see if he had received a message from gguk but he had not. but what did he expect anyways, for him to say "good luck for the show tonight".

yeah right.

taehyung felt stupid for even thinking that cause he has not even told him that he has a concert tonight. The blue-haired male had met someone on a app but when he told him who he was it went public and thousands of people ended up going onto tinder and his account became verified.

so from then, he could not find anyone.

"break everyone" he heard the lead dancer yell as the dancers split up to their benches to chill before it was time to go on.

taehyung could hear slight screaming from fans and smiled seeing things on Instagram about it.

YUBO (1)

taehyung looked back down at his phone to see gguk had messaged him, he smiled and opened the text.

gguk: hey v, how has your day been?

taehyung smiled at the question finding it nice to have someone else rather than jin and namjoon asking how his day has been.

V: hi gguk, it's going okay hby?

gguk: I am so tired

V: work?

gguk: yeah

V: what do you do?

"everyone we are on in 2" the manager shouted as everyone rushed around

gguk: sorry V. I have to go, I will text u later :)

taehyung frowned a little before standing up from his chair when the stylist finished his hair, taehyung walked over to his bag and placed his phone in the pocket. he walked under the stage and stood on a spot that was marked with tape.

a mic was handed to him as well as an earpiece, he closed his eyes not paying attention to anyone else in the room. he loved his fans so much and loved the dancers but he hated his managing team. sometimes they were always in the back of his mind, worried of what they were saying. 

even the stylists were bitches, in all honesty. taehyung felt the ground lift up as he was lifted onto the stage, he opened his eyes and was now facing a beautiful sea filled with people with purple light sticks.

the screams were loud which made taehyung smile.

"HELLO EVERYONE!" taehyung shouted through the mic as he stepped forward

screams became louder and fans were jumping up and down.

"how is everyone tonight?" taehyung asked hearing many shouts of 




"better now"

taehyung smiled.

"I have planned an amazing show for you all today and am looking forward to the time we will get to spend today," taehyung said 

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