you have me

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the three boys were in yoongi's office, waiting for yoongi to come back from the current meeting he is in. a sighing yoongi came in with a stressed look on his face. 

"whats wrong babe?" jimin asked watching as yoongi sat down in his chair.

"I should not be telling you all this so dont spread it but the company is basically bankrupt, we just had two rookie idols leave because they got better opportunities" jungkook felt bad for yoongi 

over the week he has been here he has seen amazing things from this company, they work so much better then mr. hans company.

only if idols would just give hybe a chance.

jungkook felt his phone vibrate and quickly picked it up to see he was getting a call from taehyung, his heart fluttered a little. he had not heard from the male in awhile- he was on his mind constantly but was never sure if the boy wanted to even see him.

over the past week he had more time to think about what he said to taehyung and he regretted it, he was the males only friend of course he would not want him away from him. jungkook was definitely planning to apologise but I guess now is where he could start.

"hello?" jungkook said answering the phone.

"g-gukkie h-help m-me p-please" he heard taehyung sob through the phone causing jungkook to get up from his seat and grab jimin's car keys rushing out the door not even paying attention to his friends calling him.

"baby where you are?" jungkook said as taehyung sobbed more

"c-company, m-meeting h-hall" jungkook told him he would be right there and quickly hopped in jimin's car and drove. he was thankful he knew how to drive he just could not afford a car. since his other one broke.

when jungkook arrived at the building, he parked not bothering to lock the car as he ran inside, ignoring the looks from people that he was running past. he took the stairs up to the second floor and ran into the meeting room.

"hello?" jungkook said as he saw a male on the ground, he walked closer to see who the person was but could not tell as the male was covered in blood. 

"taehyung!" jungkook said once he recognised the male and crouched down next to him, he checked his pulse to see it was still there. jungkook cursed as he grabbed taehyung's phone that was smashed on the ground and put it in his pocket.

he lifted taehyung up in his arms and walked out the building, he had to go through the back way where no one was. he placed taehyung in the car and quickly drove to his house. 

jungkook placed taehyung on his couch and quickly went to the bathroom to fill up the bath while also grabbing the male some spear clothes. jungkook went back into the lounge and walked to the now awake male who was groaning.

"hey tae" jungkook said as taehyung looked up and smiled

"before you say anything lets get you cleaned up" jungkook said while helping the male stand up.

to both taehyung and jungkook it was starting to feel a little bit like deja vu. 

they spoke no words while jungkook helped taehyung clean his wounds, he left the bathroom so the male could have some privacy. the dancer made his way to the kitchen and looked through the fridge to see if there was anything he could make.

"nope nothing" jungkook said before reaching his phone to order take-out.

after finishing his order he placed his phone down when he heard taehyung groan and limp towards him, jungkook sighed walking towards him. 

as jungkook supported taehyung to the couch he grabbed a blanket pulling it over taehyung's frame.

"how are you feeling?" jungkook questions

"a lot better now thank you" taehyung said while closing his eyes

jungkook knew taehyung was hiding how he really felt, he knew the male felt scared, worried, alone. from past conversations he has had with him taehyung did not need to express how he felt as jungkook knew.

He asked Taehyung what happened and he payed attention listening to ever detail that fell from Taehyung's lips. Jungkook has never hated someone so much before, it was beyond him that one person could cause so much pain to a human that did not deserve this pain or treatment.

"I d-dont wanna go back g-gukkie" taehyung stuttered as jungkook brushed hair out of his now clean face.

"I would not let you" jungkook said but pulled his hand away when he heard the door bell ring

jungkook walked over to the door and opened it, smiling when he saw their food was here.

"did you pay online?" the guy asked as jungkook nodded showing him the order on the phone before watching the guy leave.

jungkook walked back after shutting and locking the door, he handed taehyung a bag of one of the foods and had one for himself.

taehyung smiled and started to eat feeling quite hungry.

"I wanted to apologise" jungkook said 

"I should have listened to you, It was wrong of me to say you lost me cause you did not" jungkook said 

"I was just worried, I just lost my only source of income and had no idea what to do- but that still does not give me a reason to talk to you the way I did" jungkook said looking at taehyung who was staring at him.

"n-no I completely understand, I really had no idea that you were on the list of people he was firing. I did not even know that he was firing anyone" jungkook sighed rubbing his hand over taehyung's.

"lets eat, watch TV and head to bed" jungkook said watching as taehyung nods and starts to grab food out of the bag.

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