:: Chapter 9 :: Christmas Adventures

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"Okay, here's what you need." Hermione slammed a book onto their table in the library, she was in Hufflepuff colors, as she was a Hufflepuff now, considering her house first years were bullying and had inevitably put her in a deathly situation she was able to switch, but only this once. She liked it much much better now.

"Hermione, this is as big as Ron's Ego." Harry said as he looked over the book to look at her. They could only see each other's eyes.

She blushed as she looked down. "Well maybe it is but it'll have the most information for the history quiz when we get back from break. You and your father doing anything thing for the break?" She asks as she started to flip to where Harry and Draco would need it the most.

"Nah, just staying here. And maybe going down to Hogsmeade. That and Christmas shopping. Maybe go see my Granpa but my Dad hates having to go to his family." Harry shrugs casually as he started reading the pages that Hermione pointed out.

Daphne slammed her hands on the table aghast. Ignoring the withering glare from the librarian and Hermione's disapproving look. "What more family gossip do you have? First it was the whole Lily and James were your first adoptive parents, now family disputes in the Jackson world? How much is there?" She interrogated.

Harry actually thought about it for a second before wincing.

"Oh wow." Blaise said with raised brows, still looking not so interested. But they knew he was shocked. "And I thought mine would be a short list." He smiled.

"Shush you." Daphne waved him off. "Harry, you have to tell me everything."

"I can't. It's not mine to say, I mean the first part yeah, I can tell you all after break, but still. It's mainly on my Dad's side." Harry shrugged again before writing down some notes before passing them to Draco to have for the break.

Draco pockets them. "Why after the break?"

"Because we need to leave, like now." Hermione said as she grabbed her pack and rushed off in a hurry, and soon was followed by everyone else. Except for Harry who only said his goodbyes with a smile. Before he started remaking his notes to study for.

Percy was grading papers in his classroom quietly, hoping to catch up on them before dinner so he could be free to do whatever he wanted with Harry. He looked up to find Severus walking in with Lunch. So he guessed all the kids that were leaving for break had gone already. He knew Harry was off studying so he too could have free time, he hoped his son ate.

"You need to take better care of yourself." Snape sniped at him causing him to laugh.

"Right. Thank you Severus." Even though he didn't need food to be sustained anymore he took the food, seeing that it was already turned blue as Snape sat at one of the couches for his students. He decided to sit across from him.

Ever since the troll incident, Severus was more inclined to being friends with him. And he was getting used to Percy's sass and eccentric bright personality. Though he will never understand the need for blue food.

"How's the grading going for you?" Percy asks as he starts eating.

"They're all idiots." He spoke casually causing Percy to choke on his food as he laughed, coughing he righted himself still laughing. "You?"

"They're all idiots." Percy smirked.

Snape had a smile pop up on his face. Their banter continued until Snape left to finish up his work for the break before he too will be off to his cabin.

When dinner came around, Percy went and found Harry and was bringing him to his rooms to eat together, there was only a handful of students about so it was quite weird to see the great hall so empty. As they were heading to his rooms the stairs suddenly changed course on them. Moving them to the third floor corridor that was briefly mentioned not to go to at the beginning of the year.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now