:: Chapter 15 :: Home

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Summer quickly came after the Chamber of Secrets. Harry got over the fact his biological dad was a murdering maniac and decided to deal with it later. For now he had to pack and get ready for summer. The amusement park tickets weren't going to spend themselves-and he invited everyone to try it with him-Hermione as well as soon as she wasn't petrified anymore.

Speaking of which, the group of them were eating talking about plans for the summer when everyone started whispering around them when the doors opened. They turned to see the petrified kids and a Hagrid who got sent to Azkaban walk in, Hermione following.

Harry and Neville were the first of the group up and running. Smashing into her in a big hug that had brought them to the ground. Draco, Daphne and Blaise coming over a lot more calmly but were smiling none the less as they helped the downed trio up and in turns hugged Hermione to them.

With that summer could really begin.

Although, not as fast as Harry had wanted. His dad was working on papers that piled up while he was gone, and all throughout the first two weeks of summer was spent in a boring routine of breakfast, phone or even sleeping. Sometimes he even turned towards the summer work he was given.

But today would be different. Today, Draco, Blaise and Hermione were off to an aquarium that Percy personally funds and owns. He may not go often but he is known well enough by the employees.

Harry's eyes watched the fireplace like a Gringotts hawk, he couldn't wait to show Draco and Blaise his home-they would be spending the night before meeting Hermione at the water entertainment building.

When it went off he excitedly let them in, Blaise's mother was along as well as Draco's parents. And oddly Snape. At least Harry thought so.

"Draco! Blaise! Welcome to my home, come come-" and off he went to show the boys his room where they'll be staying.

"Sorry about that." Percy spoke as he chuckled and walked in. His shirt was slightly loose after removing his tie and his hair more disheveled then ever. He smiled charmingly over at the adults as he walked the last hit down the stairs. "He's been really excited to have them over this summer."

"It's my pleasure to have Blaise be friends with Harry." Blaise's mother practically purrs as she walked towards the young man. "I'm Yemaya Zabini, Blaise's mother."

"Ah, hello Mrs. Zabini, I'm Perseus Jackson. Father to Harry." He chuckled.

Yemaya got closer. "It's Miss, actually." She licked her lips.

Blushing red to his ears he stepped back and laughed nervously before quickly greeting Snape. "Sev! Thank you for coming!" He said as he quickly darted around a now pouting mother and towards his friend.

"Yes, I'm glad I did I suppose." He drawled slightly amused by Percy's flustered appearance. Though he also made note to keep an eye of the widow. "Percy, let me introduce you to some of my colleagues and Draco's parents."

Turning to the silver haired duo he smiled. "I remember you two during first year while at Gringotts, Lucious and Narcissa correct?"

"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet again Mister Jackson." Lucious smiled and they shook hands as Narcissa smiled at him as she gathered herself from admiring the interior.

Percy smiled back, "Tea anyone?"

Meanwhile, the boys were watching as Harry showed them his Xbox and how to play GTA and Skyrim on his large tv. His father and made sure it would work with magic. Or at least not blow up the house if they met.

"This is amazing Harry!" Blaise said as he continued to run from the police.

Harry laughed. "I know right?" He looked down at his phone, "hey my dad is asking if we want anything to eat and drink while the adults talk downstairs?" Draco looked over his shoulder towards his phone with wide eyes.

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