::Chapter 55:: Battle of Hogwarts

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Percy was working when he was interrupted by Tom walking in in battle armor that he had made himself-with Hephaestus helping with it. "What is it?" He asked standing quickly, his armor appearing over his body as well.

"Hogwarts is being attacked-they have a big army surrounding the entire school. HogsMeade has been raided-all are safe in the school as far as we were able to tell from Severus' quick fire talk." He spoke as he lead them out of the office and down the stairs to the great entrance they had in their home. There Remus was with Sirius talking quickly with each other. "We need to get there as soon as possible. We know it's a large army-but we don't know what it consists of yet-there's a possibility of giants being on their side. Easily controlled they are-" he stopped at the top of the stairs to look at Percy.

Percy stood with a focused look of calculation, calm but yet a fury was settled deep in his eyes brightening them with the ignition of more anger. "Then lets hurry before anything happens-The kids and Severus are in there."

"On it love." He grabbed the mans hand before he could walk down. "Whatever happens today-I just wanted to tell you-" he was stopped by a hand to his mouth.

"Don't-that's never a good idea-trust me." Percy spoke with a pained look. A smile coming out when he moved his hand. "Tell me after okay?" He moved forward and kissed Tom softly. His hands on either side of his lovers face.

"If you promise to not stop me next time I try to say it." Tom spoke as his hands came to the cold armor that hid Percy's ribs pulling him closer. "Okay?"

Percy smiled. "Sounds good." He spoke before they kissed again once more.

"Alright, enough of that-we need to get the rest of us to Hogwarts and we aren't sure how we're supposed to get in with the wards up." Lucius spoke from the bottom of the stairs having arrived with his wife Narcissa. Battle robes at the ready.

Pulling away Percy walked down the stairs with a grimace as he realized that was true-"There's a secret passage Harry told me about when he had to sneak out to Hogsmeade. The twins showed him-the twins can show us-they're with you Lucius-take all non creature wizards with you-Severus and you will in charge of them from the inside."

"And the non creature wizards?" Remus spoke with a frown.

"You can Sirius will be commanding them with me and Tom outside-were going to try to hit them from the back and lower as many numbers as we can. The creature wizards have been given or have armor-they also have better instincts and reaction times in a battle I would assume. The other wizards will be helping inside where I'm sure they have their own plans on home territory-they will know those grounds better." He explained as he tightened his sword strap around his waist.

Remus looked at Sirius with a frown before turning to Percy. "Sirius should be inside Hogwarts."

Tom frowned at the sudden change-"why?"

"Remus-" Sirius warned as he faced the werewolf with a glare on his face.

"Sirius-I'm not letting you and our child get hurt." Remus spoke with a growl hinted in his voice eyes flashing a more golden color then the usual whiskey they were.

Percy blinked as he turned to Sirius. "You're pregnant?" He asked surprised before he gasped. "You are Pregnant."

"It's only a guess-I could be-" Sirius flushed red.

"You are." Percy frowned. "And I agree with Remus. You'll go with Lucius and Narcissa then."

"But we haven't confirmed it-" Sirius tried to argue.

Rolling his eyes Remus wrapped a arm around his lovers waist and sniffed his neck. "Yes-it's faint-but you are. And I'm not letting you go out on the battlefield with us if you are-you'll be safer in Hogwarts-I can't lose you when I've just..." he sighed before he kissed Sirius forehead.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now