:: Chapter 38 :: Storms

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⚠️ ::Trigger warning :: ⚠️
Mild to extreme gore will be mentioned-talk of other triggering things such as assault of the sexual kind and torture. With Mild Sexual assault not much-but it's their otherwise.
You've been warned.
Find the next bolder words if you wish to skip. It's a ways down though.

When Percy opened his eyes, he wished he had an ounce of strength to get up and break the glass above him that was vividly real unlike his dreams of it before. His hand pressed against the glass before wincing as he looked down to see him bleeding from the wounds he had acquired. He grunted as he put a hand to it-wishing it to close faster. But they didn't.

The gold ichor, painted him like he was a canvas that needed some pizzazz, he chuckled at his thoughts. Before wincing as he frowned as he felt something impaled in his arm, his eyes blurry but slowly becoming more focused landed on an IV in his arm-but it wasn't. The tube that connected him winded around to outside his glass box, to a machine or something dripping gold into a bag.

He went to take it out but was hit with sudden pain that made him still and arch up with a scream begging to rip it's way out. It wasn't the worst pain he's felt but it was up there.

He breathed heavily as a laugh echoed into the air-gods did he hate that laugh, that familiar laugh that brought on painful memories. His eyes flickered into the direction to meet gold ones his throat vibrates making him realize he was growling.

Dumbledore, the old man possessed by Kronos walked forward with that stupid grandfatherly smile-and Percy realized, technically he was-but also he wished he didn't realize that.

"Good morning." The man crooned as he walked closer. "Feeling okay?"

Narrowing his eyes, Percy didn't say a word as he watched him carefully. Trying to asses his situation-he couldn't use his powers-neither his magic. But if he could gain his strength back...he might be able to get out of there.

"Hmm, it's rude to not answer a question dear boy." The man shook his head as if disappointed.

"And kidnapping someone isn't rude?" He finally snarled out as tongue just couldn't listen to his brain for once. "I mean, sure it's rude-In a normal setting but I think in this one-stuck in here, with my blood being taken, is way ruder. Maybe you should see someone about that melted brain of yours." Percy casually spoke as he leaned back. Not daring to try and take it out, the IV was linked to him by magic, his best bet was to figure out something else to stop them from draining him-he could die if they take to much. He had over 5x more then a regular mortal. Only cause his body can produce as much if needed before he healed.

But not only was his body not healing as well, it was being taken from him.

Dumbledore frowned. "I suppose. Though it doesn't matter." His eyes flashed brighter before turning blue. And he frowned. "You might want to hold your tongue, you won't be punished as much."

"Oh? You going to punish me for being right? Always knew you were a little rule breaker-especially as a teacher." Percy smirked. His eyes glancing as a much more fit male walked in. Way younger then the grey haired male in front of him.

He frowned when he noticed the gold eyes and the smirk on the young face, twisted in an evil way that made Percy's stomach turn.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now