:: Chapter 25 :: Love Angst

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Weeks later, dragons gone and the quidditch field turned back to normal. Percy sat, a dragon egg in his lap, pressed to his stomach as he was curled in a ball to give it all he could-plus some warming spells for Dragon eggs. He was scribbling on pages of students work. Rubbing the egg softly. He didn't know when it should hatch but he was perfectly happy to take care of it. It was a great honor in his eyes.

His eyes glanced at a cauldron bubbling nearby, magically doing its thing. He wondered if it would be finished before summer....

So focused in his musings he didn't know that Severus had entered. The man eyes the cauldron that Percy usually would hide when he entered. Yet because he wasn't seen yet he didn't. "What is it you are brewing Jackson?"

His voice made Percy jump making red blotch some of his parchment. He looked over and smiled sheepishly. "Ah, Sev, uh I'm not making anything important-at least nothing that you'll need to know now." With a wave of his hands-a status charm placed as it was quickly banished off back to his room. "What's up?"

His eyes narrowed as suspicion arose in him before he waved it away and sat in a settee. "The Yule ball." He drawled.

Laughing Percy stood and sat next to him, Snapes eyes diverting to the eggs shape under the shirt Percy wore. "What about it?" He asks as he curls up around it again.

Snape looked him over subtly finding something endearing of how small he looked as he protected and warmed the egg. Shaking the feeling he turned more towards the younger male. "The students are going on with a love sickness incurable."

"Right," Percy Laughed. "It'll pass, but most people do that even outside of a major event like this. Especially the young and in love." He sighed happily as he thought of the good days.

"Have you ever been in love?" Severus asks when he saw the look on his friends face.

Blinking-Percy stared at him for a moment before nodding his smile faded a little bit but it was still there. "Yes, would have married her to if...death didn't take its claim." He said simply. Ignoring the sounds of his name being called by a familiar voice inside his head. He simply shook it off.

"I'm sorry...." Severus spoke softly.

"It's fine, you wouldn't have known otherwise now would you?" He smirked before he called on Dobby who worked in Hogwarts while his masters were there. Snacks were then on the table in front of them.

Severus stared at Percy, taking in the mans young-almost eternally so-face. The way he was sharp and yet soft-most likely from his mother. Percy was chattering about the ball and how excited he was for it. All the while his eyes examine him. The broad shoulders and slim form. The tan skin, nearly a soft gold look to it soft-and with some scarring and a freckle here of there on his arms. The way his lips-

Severus stopped himself standing suddenly, making Percy stop talking beweildered. For some reason to Snape, it felt wrong to be looking at Percy like that but instinctually it also felt right. It's like his mind was not connected to his body when it came to Percy.

And before Percy could stop him he was leaving him confused while rubbing an egg.


Sighing Harry blew some bubbles into the water-thanks to Cedric he was able to figure out the next clue. Obviously he could tell it would be something that dealt with water. And he had the best prospect at winning that-at least he thought so. His father and Poseidon his grandfather had given him blessings-thus why it didn't phase him when he went through Camp Half-Bloods shields. If he was just Wizard it would feel like apparition just to get through.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now