::Chapter 58:: What it would have been like without you

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News travelled quickly, other communities sending what they could to help the European wizarding world. The death total was large, the damages done. The ministry barely stood on its own legs much less Lucious as he tried not to think of his son-his dead son. Narcissa was badly coping at home having not been out since.

It was only months after but the losses of people stood heavily on their shoulder. Their heart and spirits crushed.

Severus and Tom had buried Harry with heavy hearts and not just losing their son they were had just started to reconnect with-but Percy as well. He hadn't been seen since. Tom buried himself in work-drinking whenever he could and crying with Severus when the day finally ended. Severus helped repair Hogwarts, helped families reunite-with dead or otherwise.

Blaise, Daphne and Nott mourned the loss of Neville no body ever found but they knew he was gone. They had each other. They were glad not one of them was George Wesley.

A man who had lost it all. Not just one mate but all three, his twin, Draco and Harry. All he did now, was live with his mourning parents, staring out into the sky. Remembering the old times. Remembering how he and his twin were going to marry Draco and Harry. His fingers twiddled with the rings he put in a string around his neck...he felt hollow and not as alive as he had when he was with them. He felt like he was nothing but a shell of once he once was and he knew his family would agree. He went back to staring and twiddling with rings, what he's done ever since Harry died in his arms, since he heard his mothers shrill cry over Fred's dead body, over Ginny's, how Narcissa howled in pain Over her only son. They all echoed in him. The only things left in him-that pain.

Hermione didn't know what to do, all she had was Luna and what was left of her friends.

All Remus and Sirius had was each other and their soon to be kit, even though happy with surviving and having a kid. They still wanted to get to know Harry better, to be Percy's friends.

Everything's as heavy in sadness and no one felt they'd heal from it any time soon.


Tom stared off out the window of his office, the papers he had today was limited. Not as many like it had been for the past couple months. They weren't towering dangerously over, none were on the floor, only a small handful sat done and tidy in front of him. After an hour of sitting there he stood and walked out of the office in a state of uncaring air. He had no motivation for anything but what he knew how to. He found himself coming into their room in what felt like ages...he stared. The dust had gathered heavily on the furniture.

He and Severus hadn't dared enter the room since the battle of Hogwarts...they didn't even dare enter Harry's. He winced at thinking the name. His chest hurting painfully....he didn't know why he was there...but he was.

Walking in and closing the door he looked around at the room they shared, how Severus had ungraded papers stacked on the coffee table at their little sitting area, how he had left one of his capes draped over his favorite chair along with a book. How Percy's helmet sat on the couch he would lay on as Tom would read to them.

Toms eyes closed he tried not to let tears that had gathered from the pain he felt. He knew Percy's wasn't dead...but he knew it would be eons before he saw him again-maybe even never...Chaos had explained that well to them.

He walked over to the bed when he was able to get her himself. There he saw the note that was left in his hand that day. The piece of paper was layered in dust but open where you could see the scrabble of words that were on it. He chuckled watery like as he looked out the window.

'Tell Severus I love him too, and of course the kids- Percy'

He held his head as he finally just sobbed falling down against the bed as he did, he didn't know for how long but when Severus was there beside him crying to as he held his hand and the note. It hurt them both, having finally found that missing peice only for it be gone and not only that but their only child-the one they scoured the earth of ingredients both legal and illegal to make. Everything was taken from them in such a short time.

All they wanted was more time.


Ron stood staring out on the hill next to his home, his arms were crossed as he held himself. He didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't want to be an Auror anymore. He didn't want to fight anymore, the battle proved he was good but at the cost of the scars that haunted him. He would never be the same. He blinked back tears as he cried enough-even if he sometimes did still have the water to do so, he didn't want to.

His sister-his beautiful and only sister gone, he looked back at the house that was just depressing now, it's colors had dulled and the grass was dying. The garden being taken care of by the knomes who wondered why none of the Weasleys had no energy to chase them out like they usually did...cause not only did one of his siblings die-but one of the twins as well.

George wasn't speaking, no pranks were being written and made, nothing was working to get him out of the room he had shared-it was now just his. His hair was flat and lifeless just as much as his eyes were and it worried everyone in the house with us.

Their mother, Molly was especially worried. She felt she had lost three kids that day instead of just two, she had Joe idea what to do to bring her son out of it. All she knew to do was make sure he ate, bathed and slept. Sometimes having to get Charlie to get him off the roof where he had somehow gotten up to, it was winter by then so when George was finally pulled inside his lips were blue. All he did was go back to his room and sit at that chair by the window, stare out and twiddle with rings.

Ron and Hermione had tried to get him out once-to the joke shop hopping it would be good to show him people wanted it open-to continue it.

But he didn't just lose his twin that day-he lost his life just as much as his mates-they were his life. But he never spoke, he never explained why it wouldn't work. He just went back and sat in his room. His missing ear facing the door so sometimes he never heard anyone walk in-and even if he did he would ignore them.

Hermione was a lost soul as well, having lost her father figure, her brother, her friends. Luna too lost them but she barely knew them like Hermione did, so she stuck close. Ron joining when he needed someone other then his mother.

As months went on, nothing changed for George, he only grew older.

But for Hermione she healed, even if she still felt the pain, she healed, she lived and moved on, just like most of everyone did.

Tom and Severus continued their new jobs, Remus and Sirius had their child.

The only thing that made their lives after the war hard-was missing the people who were gone.


Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now