:: Chapter 45 :: Happy Merriments

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The holiday season was upon them. Hermione was flustered with finishing up her homework-having been playing with Luna her work was more behind. For her anyways. While Harry was tempted, along with Ron to just throw away the assignments without caring for the repercussions later on. Though Hermione did in fact advise them against it with a glare.

The day before they leave on the train-Harry was asked to come to Dumblewhores office once again. The man had been really trying to get to him but Harry declined by doing his homework-which made him miserable but done with it none the less. Ron was forced to do it with him. Much to the boy's grievances.

Harry looked at the statue with a pause-as much as he wanted to run away-again. He couldn't. So there he was going into the staircase after saying the dum password of twizzlers-he was at the door. He knocked and waited for an answer.

"Come in." Said the old creaky voice from inside.

Composing himself and clearing his mind, Harry walked in and gave a short smile before sitting himself in a chair. "What did you need to see me for Headmaster?" Harry asks as his eyes find Fawkes sleeping on his pedestal.

"I was wondering, with your father away-they still haven't found him correct?" He says offering some lemon drops that Harry didn't trust an ounce of-or at all.

"No, Sirius and Remus have been looking but haven't found him-or haven't responded to any of our letters. It's been rough." Harry knew his father was at him waiting for him-or more like Harry was waiting for him to wake up. Because apparently he hasn't for months now. And now with Sirius and Remus possibly missing now-it wasn't a good situation really...

Dumbledore watched his face melt into a worried one but was still suspicious. "Then who will you be staying with over the holidays? You can stay here if you wish-or the Weasleys perhaps?" He implored him.

Harry shook his head with a frown. "I still have family that I can go to. A very big family actually. Helen would be overjoyed to see me for Christmas again..." he didn't dare say Hestia. "But it's just going to be my grandfather and grandmother, possibly my uncle taking care of me until my Dad is found." He explained as calmly as he could. He could only guess as to why he wanted him nearby.

"I'm sure they'd be fine if you stay here-it's safe after all. A lot safer here then with muggles." Dumbledore tried to persuade.

Harry could tell-he had to look at the mans long eyebrows so he didn't look at the heavy magic spell he would cast with his eyes. Harry frowned before getting a bit peeved as he felt where this convo would be going-and decided to stop it from going any further then what he wanted. "They aren't muggles. My dad comes from a very old line of pure bloods. Older then Merlin."

"Now that's quite impossible Harry-I would know. I have studied quite throughly of this sort of thing." The old man said with a frown as he sat back in his chair to stare Harry down-wondering why it wasn't working. His spell that is.

"Look-just because my family didn't like meddling with others-doesn't mean they weren't around then or before. We have diaries and books made by them to show you. But you'd have to be a Jackson to get access to any of it. And we both know that won't happen ever. So, I'll be going home to them for Christmas. But I will be visiting Ron and the twins when I can." Harry huffed a little annoyed.

"Very well then Harry my boy." Stop calling me that! "I will allow it. Have a safe Holiday." The old man smiled. His twinkle dull.

Allow it? You don't have that power to allow me to do or not to do anything you-Harry breathed in deeply to calm himself before silently leaving without a farewell. He wasn't doing the best job at getting the in he needed to help his side of things but by the gods was it annoying to try with a man like Dumboldwhore.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now