::Chapter 53:: Rest

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there will be smut ahead at some point in this chapter. I will put a warning before, and let you know when it's ended-and if there's anything you will miss during those parts that you may not be comfortable with, there will be a short nondescriptive summary if needed.

Anyways enjoy 😉



Percy bit his lip hard enough for it to bleed but it healed quickly and that gave him a minute to decide, he lowered his sword and put his wand away. "We'll talk."

"Perfect. Henry, take Harry here for me." Kronos spoke as he threw Harry at the wizard-Harry tried to escape but this time there was a knife to his throat, another wizard came up and put his foot on The very still Draco and a wand to the boy.

"Percy..." Tom spoke quickly as he tried to stop their mate.

Percy looked at him. "Take care of things here." His eyes met Toms and they seemed to speak before he was walking away and following the old man into the woods some and out of view of his worrying mates.

Harry's breathing was getting faster and he knew he was about to have a panic attack if it held up the way it was going. He ignored the sting in his eyes as he stared at Draco's still form. His chest hurt as he tried to see if he could tell if the boy was alive or not. Trying to keep tears from his eyes the longer he stared.

"Henry Adensone," Lucius spoke up as he stared at the man holding Harry with a knife. "I didn't think you of all people would join a cause like Dumbledores." He spoke calmly as his eyes flicked between the two people holding the kids.

"Shut up Lucius, he promised us eternal life. Can't pass that up." Henry grinned like a fool.

Harry's eyes met Toms who he noticed was watching with rapt attention. "Pops..." he spoke in a pinched hoarse voice and winced when the knife came closer as Henry told him to shut up.

"Watch it you fool..." Tom warned the wizard his heart racing in his chest-not only was his child in an enemy's hand-but his mate was with the enemy and out of sight.

Severus glared harshly as he looked around before his eyes met Toms. "Let's talk about this for a moment...." He held his hands in placating manner.

"Talk about what?" Henry asked the knife loosening around Harry's throat as his attention turned to Severus.

"About how Dumbledore can't make you immortal-Percy can though...and if you save his son, then maybe he'll grant it to you as soon as today." Severus lied straightly as he kept eye contact and didn't move a muscle.

Toms's eyes twitched as he just wanted to hurry this along. He watched the knife lower away safely from Harry's neck.

"Really?" He asked dumbly.

Harry's eyes met with Tom's again. "Do you trust me Harry?" He spoke softly. Not even being paid attention to by the wizard holding Harry.

Harry stared deeply at his father. Did he?

"Don't be shtupid Henrey! They'll just blast ya the minute ye set da boy free." The other holding Draco spoke as he looked away and to Henry with a glare.

Tom watched Harry nod slightly and smiled at his boy, "Lucius...." His head tilted to the wizard who spoke up and then lifted his wand as did the other father and in a split second chaos ensued.


Percy kept a tense stance as he faced the puppet with golden eyes. It reminded him a lot of the first war he painfully went through... He watched wordlessly as the wrinkled hands smoothed over the wood of the wand owned by the old headmaster of Hogwarts.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now