:: Chapter 44 :: Truths come out

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Neville was nervous as he pulled his cloak closer to keep the cold at bay, the holidays were coming up and he was finally able to get permission with the help of Snape and Mcgonagal-much to her surprise being backed by the Slytherin head of house-but here he was in Diagon Alley by himself.

Finally he reached the large white marble building that the bank resides in. As well as the Goblins. His gloved hands opened the large doors and went in.

Now he was sitting reading his family's will-one that's wasn't opened previously.

"This is...who didn't let this get read?" Neville asked angrily. His face flushed as he tried to take the new info into his head. Ignoring the sudden want to cry.

"It was read-but only certain people were allowed to see it." The goblin Ripfang spoke calmly. His beady eyes watching Neville's every step.

Neville sat down in one of the chairs offered to clients and tried to breathe away the emotions that roiled up into his gut. Though the questions in his head did not settle at all.

How is it that all of his friends-were harmed by that old man? Or is everyone somehow wronged by him?

He wouldn't put it past the loony headmaster....

Just what did it mean? What did it all have in his plans? Why was it so complex? And why did it involve so many people?


"You know, there's this one thing we haven't told Ron..." Harry spoke up as he watched Ron laugh at something Luna said as they played chess.

"What?" Hermione frowns and looks over to him, Harry turning to look at her with a raised brow. "What do you mean we haven't told him something? What is it?"

Blinking Harry snorted. "The day has finally come-Mione forgetting something so important." He laughs even as she threw a pillow at him. He waved off the two chess players as he continued to laugh.

"Harry-" Hermione was flushed red as she twiddled with a book completely embarrassed. Her head was spinning as she tried to remember what she had forgotten.

After calming down Harry leaned into her ear to whisper to her. "Ron, true parents?" When he leaned away he laughed again as her face drained of color.

"Oh Merlin Harry! It isn't funny! It should have been the first thing we told him!" She spoke with a frown marring her face. "How do we tell him?"

Harry took a deep breath and calmed himself again. He wasn't sure why it was so funny to him but he smiled and took Hermione's hand. "You are not a bad friend-it just been hectic lately Mione. Don't put it on yourself. We'll tell him now." He patted her hand and went to the pair a few paces away.

"Wait! Harry!" She spoke after him.

"Ron-" Harry started.

"Yes?" Ron spoke as he finished the game in one move that took Lunas king-to which she shrugged at.

"With all that's been going on-as you know, then we forgot what we found out about yourself. We didn't mean to keep this till holidays-it's important. But it'll change a lot for you-family wise I mean-do you want to know now or later?" Harry laid out Rons options as calmly and simply as possible. He knew he should be gently with the info they had.

Ron blinked before his lips down turned as he faced Harry more seriously. The air felt much thicker then it had been earlier when Harry was jesting with Hermione. "If it's something that important, I think I would like to know now."

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon