:: Chapter 34 :: Confrontation

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Toms fingers tapped the wood as he stared out distantly, not paying attention to his underlings as he thought about what happened in that room with Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. The father that adopted what was supposed to be his enemy. But as he thought more into it, he grew weary with the thought of him trying to kill a child. He had...at least he thought he was fighting-he can't remember what he was fighting for...

"Severus." He spoke calmly and stopping the conversation on how they would continue from where they left off with a surprise attack of some sorts. But again he wasn't paying attention. His eyes met surprised brown ones. He stood and motioned for the potions master to follow him.

"My Lord?" For some reason it always irked him when the man acted like one of his underlings. It felt wrong. But he ignored it. For now.

"I need a purge. Can you get one with the goblins? I can't show up in public just yet-but if I can secretly meet with the goblins and figure...figure out why my mind has been meddled with. I trust you to get this done under the radar?"

The potions master blinked but nodded. "I will do so as quickly as possible."

"Also-a blood test. Inheritance-whatever it's called. Anything that will read off kin, inheritance and disease or spells cast on me." He spoke waving his hand dismissing Severus.

"Yes My Lord." He spoke, bowing and leaving with questions gathering in his head.

Toms eyes watched shim leave. He frowned when the image of the man-much younger then now-smiling at him proudly as he showed him a paper with blurry text. He flinched as his head suddenly sprouted off pain. Making him groan into his hands.

Ever since coming back into his original form, he's been constantly confused. Flashes of memories he doesn't remember-to seeing his body, he barely remembers what he looked like and yet his body was normal now. He wanted answers now. But he decided he'd wait for answers even if he was impatient.


Percy sighed as he sat in bed. Put on bed rest my Madam Pomfrey as soon as Harry had been able to get someone to help his father. Coming up with the fib of us having training that early morning and he had passed out before they could even go train. Pomfrey wasn't sure what was wrong. But knew he needed rest. So there he was resting. As told. Bored.

He would have something to do later but for now he sat, having tried and failed to read several books to bide his time till exams started.

As he was trying to figure out crochet, all the while sipping hot coco, in walked the twins each with a devious smile lit up on their faces. Percy smirked at them, finding himself suddenly amused.

So Percy was out of bed a bit earlier, having helped them as well as he wanted to see the full effect of the surprise they were about to set off.

He stood watching students in the great hall be as quiet as mice as they took exams as the pink bitch went up and down the rows making sure they weren't cheating while smacking her wand to her hand. There was suddenly a loud sound and everyone looked around startled as Percy grinned wickedly from his spot nearby the doors. They burst in, the twins on brooms setting off fireworks and zooming around the students knocking their tests to the floor. The kids getting up and cheering.

They zoomed around and the pink toad went to follow to give them detention but they laughed and enacted their last parting gift. They had passed their tests and were graduates that year. They swooped past the angry witch.

People screamed as a lit firework in the shape of a dragon made its way after them, Umbridge turned and shrieked as she tried to run from its maws. Waddling on her stubby legs as she ran out of the castle while everyone laughed and cheered following her out into the sunny perfect day. The dragon turned upwards and burst its a brilliant show of lights. Umbridge still running.

The twins said their goodbyes to everyone, giving Harry a present with a kiss to each cheek making Percy give them a look that they laughed at and finally-they were off back home.

Harry came over to his dad with Hermione. "You're supposed to be on bed rest." He chastises him as he slumps with a small pout forming on his lips.

"Harry, Harry-I'm fine. I can walk. It's been days since then. I will be just fine." Percy smiled and gave his son a hug then to Hermione who was also worried. "I'm fine both of you."

"You better be." Hermione huffs but gives him a hug back. Her worried eased. Angus settled into her frizzy hair.

Percy smiled at them before sending them off with the other students to watch the still on going fireworks. His eyes found Severus before he was walking over ignoring how he became more tired with each step. "You, me, talk." He said simply and went into an empty class with the potion Professor following.

"What?" He snapped at the god-not like he knew of course but still- once they were ears free other the their own.

Percy rolled his eyes. "Here, the potion that took me two years to make. It helps with removing spells and is a lot cheaper then a purge. As it's free, though do try to figure out what spells your under." Sighing he pulled Snapes hands out and put the several vials into his admittedly larger hands of his. "I'm not one to poison. I'm more of one to stab."

Severus was confused. "Why?" He spoke gently as their hands were still touching causing Percy to step back, a soft redness appearing in his cheeks making him glow, instead of look sickly.

"You'll find out. When you do. Do a blood test. It'll help you find who your missing." Percy came up and before he could stop himself put a hand to the pale skin of Severus' face. "As Harry was told by a dragon, I will warn you-and Tom. That a war is brewing in the air. And enemies will become friends. And friends enemies. So be careful, and choose smartly who you trust."

Blinking, Percy was gone, his back exiting the now open door. His touch still warm on his cheek. He looks down at the vials, a silvery look that swished on its own without him moving his hand.

He wondered what Percy meant. He hoped he would get answers, and soon.


Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now