:: Chapter 49 :: Trauma

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This chapter will be talking about sensitive subjects-so trigger warning? SA -sexual assault, ptsd, depression and anxiety. So beware. I'll give a basic summary at the bottom for those who don't really want to read it just in case-it won't be that detailed but I want people to be comfortable in case they aren't comfortable with the topics provided above.


He didn't know what he was doing, he just knew he was running-but you can't run away from the mind even as much as you want to. He knew that and yet he still ran all the way back to his room and tried to catch his breath. But he couldn't.

He knew what this was the moment he locked his door. His heart wasn't racing in the pleasuring way it had when Severus kissed him-but in a way of fear. Adrenaline pumped through him even though he was in no situation for it. Tears stung his eyes as he started to gasp for breath. He couldn't stop it.

His head hurt as the memories of his captivity-his years before Harry-all coming to bite him in the ass. The gold ichor running from the eyes and nose, dripping from the mouth of the last wizard-his ichor-his blood killing someone.

The dagger in his stomach as hands roamed his body-and he choked on a gasp as he felt them-not the warm pleasuring hands from Tom and Severus-but the cold clammy hands of another. Hensley-Kronos. Gold eyes enjoying the way he reacted. How he tried to run away so many times. For nothing to work. The disgust of his skin. He sobbed at the feeling on his member-he was glad it didn't go father from those sessions-as Kronos had called him disgusting and that he wouldn't ever go forward with anything else but what he did do-it still took space over so many scars he already had.

He was disgusting wasn't he? He looked at his body through blurry eyes-finding the scars of the physical marring him. How many that were thick and ugly. He sobbed again. He was sure his back was worse.

And they saw oh gods...they saw...that's all that went through his head-a cycle taht never ended for him and he tried-he know he tried-it felt like hours to him but it was moments. Enough though it took him and wrangled-strangled him.

Poseidon having been out-checked in on Percy just then. Finding his son sobbing on the carpet of his room. Awake and safe yes, but in such a state had him instantly in front of his son calling his name. "Percy?! Hey-bud look at me?" He spoke gently as he grabbed the hands that were digging into his arms. Gold faintly gathering over the marks after he took those hands.

"Dad..." Percy had choked out and Poseidon's chest squeezed painfully as he took his son and carefully scooped him bridal style into his arm while still on the ground and held him like he had for the first few weeks of him breathing alive and innocent to the world around him. And here in his arms-was the man he grew into harmed by that same world around him. 

"I've got you-your safe. Nothing will ever harm you again." He spoke gently as he rocked Percy.

Percy tried to leave the hold feeling embarrassed but gave in when he started to feel comfortable. Familiar and safe were the arms of his dad. He closed his eyes and whimpered when the images came forward again. "I hate it...I hate it all. I hate Kronos..."

Gently he stopped the rocking to bring a hand up and caress the soft locks-still wet from the shower he had. "He will be no more after I am done with him..."

"But he lives in my head...the memories of him using someone to touch me...to hurt me...are worse then Tartarus...." Percy sobbed. "It makes me relive those as well-everything-it always comes up in the worst way-I can't enjoy kissing someone. I feel gross and used and ugly and as if his hands are still on me and can't get it to stop...I can't get it to stop when I really want it to."

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now