:: Chapter 42 :: Dumbledore

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Harry walked back and forth between the couches in the common room of his-or well his fathers old rooms-Hermione and Neville sipping tea on said couches. He was waiting for the news from Nico-who left as soon as he told him his father was back and safe again. But nothing else. He was dying for more information-hoping to everything out there his father was alright. Because safe didn't mean he was unharmed.

"Harry sit down." Hermione spoke softly as she held her book in her hands, even if her complexion was pale, she kept her breathing steady. She was worried too.

"Can't." Harry grunted as he continued wearing a hole into Hogwarts floors. The carpet already waning with his continued trek.

Neville got up and grabbed Harry's hands to make him look at him instead of at nothing. "Just do it-I know waiting isn't fun but you're wearing a hole into the ground." He led Harry back to the couches  "Plus-it may be nice to sit and relax. What matters is that your dad is back-and alive."

Harry conceded to their worries and sat down but his body was still tense they could tell by the way he sat straight instead of the usual conform to the couch he did. "I guess...." he started then groaned. "I'm going to go insane soon enough." He spoke as his hands came up to his face.

"No you're going to drive all of us insane." Hermione smirked and turned a page in her rather large book. It was book on the Greek gods. It was in Greek-but she knew a nifty little spell to translate as she went. Her notes on the coffee table before her littered in unknowable notes.

"Touché." Harry sighs and finally just relaxes into the couch-fatigue catching up to him making him close his eyes.

"Why don't you write a letter to Sirius about it? Maybe you'll get an answer." Neville supplies giving Harry a biscuit and a cup of tea appeared on the table before Harry could even ask.

Harry nodded to that idea-then a house elf popped in casually startling the occupants of the room. It set another kettle of tea down, piping steam and then handed Neville a letter, bowed and left them.

"What'd you get there Nev?" Harry asks as he pours himself more tea. Stealing another biscuit.

Shrugging his shoulders Neville opened it as Hermione gave Harry some parchment and a quill. His eyes widened as he read the letter word by word. His heart sinking as it went on. "Oh...." He spoke softly.

Hermione frowns and puts her book down. "Is everything okay Nev?" Her carmel eyes stared into the hazel green of Neville's. His eyes tearing up as he sat letting the information sink in.

"My grandmother...passed away last night....I'm the lord of Longbottom now. I have to go to Gringotts and...and get the rings." He was suddenly surrounded by the comforting arms of his friends. "And Dumbledore is vetoing my right succession...."

"That donkey! I'll write to Tom-or Lucious right away!" Hermione spoke as she hastily started doing exactly what she said she would.

Harry patted Neville's hand. "It's going to be okay Nev, we'll help you out with everything you need of us."

The tears came out thickly and Neville smiled through them even if his chest felt heavy in the pain of grief. He had his friends with him.


Couple days later-Harry was in front of Dumbledores office door. He was already tired of the conversation that hadn't even happed yet. He wanted to crawl back home and never leave.

So he took a deep breath and knocked before he found himself moving away. He winced at how loud he had knocked-he wanted to go quieter so he could say no one answered but yet he practically banged on the door.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now