:: Chapter 40 :: Falling into Madness

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Rivers, ponds, swamps-the ocean in its great magnitude. Each a body of water in varying stages of nature and mass. Percy thought of each one and had the idea for his lake to have an underwater house. Only he and Harry could get in. His lips twitched at the idea of Sirius floating in with a bubble head charm looking peeved that he wasn't invited, his hair wild and him trying to keep it from his face.

He chuckled a bit as he held his knees closer, ignoring how his body protested the position they've been in for hours-probably a couple days. Percy hadn't really been counting the days. He's either been indisposed to try-or focusing on an escape. If only the dam box didn't hurt him every time he tried to leave 5 feet from it.

He hadn't opened his eyes in what felt like forever, it was dark considering no light was causing him to see yellow-orange. He bit his lip as his body had finally healed-in a sense-apparently his body did need nutrients, Percy guessed his magic kept him from starving. It's not like he didn't ever stop eating to figure it out. He loved food to not stop. The only thing they feed him is a roll and water-on days he's good. He smirked with a chuffed laugh. Like ever. The only times he was good was when he was unable to move due to continuous torture.

If his ear could move, it would have when he heard the door open. He sighed when he turned his head-but his eyes widened as wide as the one staring at him was.


Poseidon looked over the child, the corporal form of a ghost sitting and glaring at him as he waited for his grandson to get back from his shopping for school. Recently inherited as well-boy was the wizarding world shocked to see a water Phoenix kin walking their streets and to be the boy-who-lived.

"So, you turned Percy into a god? By force?" Nico Di'Angelo spoke calmly even if his tone was frigid all at the same time.

"Yes..." The sea god was as awkward as a sea cucumber.

Nico smirked as he laughed coldly. "Oh how Annabeth will have field day with all of you when I tell her." His eyes flickering to the now green fire before going back to the gods.

"Gramps!" Harry said happily as he came out of the fireplace. Then stopped to stare at a kid ghost possibly younger then him.

"Whos he?" They both asked at the same time causing Poseidon to chuckle a little.

"This would be your Uncle-I'm sure Percy would have appointed all his close friends-especially his cousins as aunts and uncles. Harry, is Percy's son." He explains. "He will be helping find Percy."

"He's missing? Again?" Nico sighed as he rubbed his semi-see through nose. He hadn't let Poseidon get to his point, and was he laying for it now as his worry tripled.

Harry didn't like how he seemed to be mad at his dad for getting kidnapped so he glared. "My dad was sick when he was taken, he didn't do it on purpose."

His dark eyes-the only thing not see through stared up into the colored eyes of the boy Percy had adopted-no way did he have the boy at 16-or 17, maybe younger-but still. "Percy has always had a knack of getting right into the middle of things-I'm not mad Harry. I'm tired of having one of the best people in the world-always in danger or hurt. Honestly I'm pissed off at him." He pointed a finger to Poseidon who only shrugged when they looked at him. "Percy never wanted to be immortal. He didn't want to watch those he loved grow older as he stayed ageless. I'm even sure-considering all of us gave our life at the end of the second war-he would have to. But he was the one that ended it, he's the one who's had to live-and I'm sure he hoped to die peacefully one day and meet with us. But they took that chance away. Knowing him myself, I know-they should have known, Percy would get straight into another war with his uncanny luck."

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now