:: Chapter 10 :: Fluffy

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Not even a week after Christmas, a prank war had started, and the only ones who knew who the culprits were, was Harry, Hermione and Draco. Percy so far was winning-but Harry thought it unfair because his Dad was a god that literally could practically do anything.

The Weasleys though were having the time of their lives, even if they were losing.

Today at breakfast they had horns and a tail that Madam Pomfrey and teachers just couldn't get off, but then again the twins pranced around with them proudly. The worst they were able to do to Percy was make his hair yellow-and he didn't look bad at all like they hoped.

The teachers were in a stump on who could be doing such a large prank war-beside the twins. But against who? They weren't just targeted to Percy and the twins, but to whoever in the biggest way possible.

At one point that made all pranks stop for an entire day, was when Percy was able to somehow turn the entire Gryffindor common rooms into an aquarium.

No one was harmed and nothing was harmed, thanks to magic.

Today-was the day that Percy had done such a thing to the common rooms. It was lunch, and the common rooms were still inaccessible.

"Your father is brilliant Harry." Draco gaggles as he tried to keep quiet.

Harry sighed before he smirked. "I know." He laughs a bit before Hermione and Neville came running over.

"You guys, do you know what's on the 3rd floor corridor?" Hermione asks hushedly as she sat between Blaise and Harry. Neville sitting on the other side of Harry.

"No Mione, we don't because we were told we'd have detention with Filch if we tried." Daphne spoke up as she ate pristinely.

Rolling her eyes she shook her frizzy head of hair. "You wouldn't believe what is on that corridor." She smiled.

"Oh you mean Fluffy?" Harry asks as he finished off his food to look up and find them all staring at him with wide eyes.

"That beasts name is Fluffy?" Neville asked with a squeak to his voice.

Harry affronted for the Cerberus rolled his eyes. "My great Uncle has a full grown one, he's a big softie to family, my dad knows how to pacify practically any dangerous animal and he's taught me. I'll show you guys that Fluffy isn't a bad dog."

Gasping Hermione shook her head. "No way! That thing growled at nearly but Neville."

"Hmph, I don't see what the big deal is, I could do that and you'd get scared." And to prove his point, Draco growled and bit towards Hermione who flares at him.

"It was huge!" She tried to protect herself.

"So is Hagrid being half giant." Harry points out.

"Hagrid is different, he's a big softie." Hermione pouts.

"So is Fluffy." He smirks.


So there they are. Letting the stairs move them to the third corridor under the scrutiny of the paintings only. Hermione being advanced in some spell work, put notice me not spells on the group. Harry and Draco were holding big red rubber balls. When they got to the forbidden corridor they found themselves all getting chickeny except Harry.

So he rolled his eyes and kicked the door open as his hands were occupied he smiled at the Cerberus and threw the balls he had at them. They wagged their tail excitedly as they grabbed one and started chewing. The middle one stared directly at a paler Draco.

"Draco, give him the ball." Harry said as he entered the room unharmed.

Draco quickly did so and found himself being licked soon after. He laughed but then groaned. "Oh no my mother is going to kill me!" His soaked robes and silk shirt said it all as to why.

Harry laughs. "My dad can get that fixed for you."

"But he's a teacher. Wouldn't he get mad at us?" Daphne asks as she walks in with a bit more confidence, Blaise following her as Neville and Hermione stayed outside.

"And didn't I say that when you did come here you brought me with?" Percy appears behind the ones still at the door. His hands coming onto the twos shoulders, they jumped in fear. His smile was poised and Harry paled.

"Yes, you did...." he looked away from his dads deadpanning eyes before he heard him sigh.

"Alright, what are you all doing in here?" He pulls his hands away staring at the two who were now shaking with observational eyes.

Sighing Daphne pouted. "They found Fluffy here by accident, like you guys, and then said he was a beast. Harry objected and wanted to show us that Fluffy here is a 'good boi'. His words, not mine." She smirks when she sees Harry roll his eyes.

Walking into the room he got a stare before he walked over and patted all the heads with a smile. "Well, they are. But considering class is about to begin, I suggest you all go." He laughs when they all realize. Everyone grabbed someone before running off to get to their classes.

Rolling his eyes, he looked at the Cerberus. Before his eyes roamed to the trap door. He wondered what was in there, and considering his curiosity for it he was going to get in trouble. He was pulled out of it by a nudge to the door from the middle head of Fluffy.

"Okay okay, I too need to get to my class. Take care big guy. Maybe next time." Percy patted the head. Gave each one a kiss and headed off to his classroom.


And he did, he stood before Cerberus who had moved out of the way for him. He smiled before he jumped down. The devils snare he realizes as he lays there to contemplate what to do next, just dropped him onto the stone beneath it.

"Ow..." he mumbled as he got up. Percy made his way to the fluttering sounds of something coming into a room of flying keys. And a door.

He just whispered an unlocking spell and walked in, even if the door groaned at the stronger magic. Walking in calmly he found the dead troll.

He wondered what they had done with it. Ignoring it he moved onto the next.

Potions, so Severus knows of this.

At least in some degree. His eyes found the potion he should take easily, he walked through the fire with some interest, sure he can walk through fire now, with his power but he didn't use it. He found himself interested as how the potion is made.

His eyes found the mirror that stood in room with a ring of fire. No other room to pass onto. Walking up to it he looked in before he backed off shocked. His breathing heavy as he tried to get his mind in control.

He was then stepping in front of it again and was brought to his knees in the grief he felt.

He watched Nico sleeping under a tree, Thalia fighting Clarisse in the amphitheater. His wise girl, sat reading beside Nico. His friends, all of them. Hanging in Camp, alive, and happy. Safe.

Tired he sat there until he sighed and stood, wiping the wetness from his eyes he smiled when he noticed Harry running up to his wise girl. That made him feel better.

Then he himself stepped up and showed him a stone. Raising a brow, he brought the stone to his pant pocket, then smirked before running off.

Feeling the suddenness of something in his pocket, he picked it out and found the same stone that was in his mirror selfs hands before he realized what stone it was. Sighing he shook his head before he turned and was in front of Cerberus. The dog was sleeping soundly to music. Shrugging that off, he walked away towards his room, the Philosopher stone in his pocket.

His curiosity sated.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now