::Chapter 51:: Conseqences

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This is basically a slight warning as well as catch up on those who didn't read last chapter so you understand the content.

This chapter will have graphics not in the same way but more gore-ish and heavy amounts of blood mentioned.

Last chapter was basically kids are back at school, Dumbledore is not headmaster but Snape is-couple months later, a bored Percy in a large house with sexual tension. Things tend to get spicy so it did. They did the do. Percy is a brat basically.

That's about it. I don't even know how many words were in it cause it's glitched.

Anyway, enjoy the story.


Harry smirks as he reads the paper, finally back in Slytherin graces considering who his actual father is-only those who knew knew, and those who didn't were pestered to leave it alone unless told otherwise.

But back to the paper, the front picture of a moving angry Dumbledore throwing spells at aurors was quite the spectacular sight to see, it caused so much ruckus for so many people who saw it. When he looked up most of Griffindor were paler then pale. He snickered into his hands. He was elated to say the least. There were columns and columns in the paper of people who took purges and found out, remembered everything the man did to them. Some children were pulled out to get purged as well. And oh the things that came out then....

So many families were hurt by the man, and it wasn't just Harry, Ron and Neville, just about half the school and most if not all the teachers. Mcgonagal had been in such shock for such a long time classes were put on self study with Professor Flitwick or Madam Sprout until she recovered from her shock.

Everything was pretty good in Harry's book, things were turning out well for his side of things and that's all he could ever ask for. If he didn't control himself, he was sure he'd let out a happy trill. That would be embarrassing, at least for him.

Draco slithered a hand around his boyfriends waist and gave a peck to the wild silky black hair that came with him. "What are you snickering about?" He asked softly into the sensitive ears of his mate.

Blushing ruby red Harry rolled his eyes and put his paper down, unlike the rest who's noses were still in the thin pages and eyes bulging with each word they read. "I'm just happy he's getting the karma he deserves."

"Me too, I'm just worried on what this means for our ministry considering the things coming out about some of the higher ups as well as Dumbledore." Draco popped a strawberry into his mouth as his eyes looked down on the papers moving pictures, then frowned. "And the raids...."

Harry frowned then as well. "I know he's not doing them-from what we've been told it's a farce...."

"What's a farce?" Daphne spoke up as she finally welcomed herself to the table halfway through breakfast, looking more tidied up then any normal morning person. Her eyes glancing at the papers with a frown coming to her own lips.

"The Raids in Voldermorts name." Harry spoke quietly so not to spook anyone outside of the four of them-Blaise eating casually beside Draco. Theo he supposed was still sleeping as that was normal for the boy.

"Is that any of our business? I'm sure your parents will figure out something to do before it gets out of hand Harry. But we're just kids-or at least we should be. We have one more year of school. One more summer between it. Let's just live the best we can. There's been so much going on through the years it's kind of hard to be normal again." Daphne sighed as she buttered her toast.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now