:: Chapter 21 :: A Birthday, Truths and Orphaned

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Today, Harry turns 14, he was super excited as he got up that morning earlyier then normal. Not only was he having a party-but he was having all his friends and Family around for his birthday for the first time. The patio was being cleaned up to host the barbecue. His Grandfather would be helping with some Hawaiian chicken and some brisket. Kabobs and all that.

His mouth watered just thinking about it. He lived when his Grandad bbq'd.

He was surprised he wasn't the only one up though, his dad was up with a frown as he read a letter, his keys in hand already as he was dressed to leave and not in pajamas like Harry himself was.

Percy blinked seeing Harry up but smiled as he patted his black messy bed hair. "Morning Birthday boy, I have some things to go do, so I won't be back till noon okay? But Remus and Sirius are here if you need anything-soon so will Severus, and everyone else around 1. Expect Poseidon around 11 though. Okay?" He put the letter up into a pocket making Harry curious.

"What's up? It seems urgent." He asks his dad trying to stop a yawn.

"I'll tell you when I get back okay?" He promised before looking at his watch. "Take care okay? Blue waffles are ready and on the counter-save some for the adults!" He cried as he left the house.

Harry laughed, like he would let anyone else have any of his dads blue waffles-at least he wanted to but his dad made more then he ever has on his birthday.


Percy looked up at the tavern. Quickly he went in and requested to know which room she was in. He then was given a key and he walked up and knocked.

"Who is it?" Said a small fragile sounding voice. It sounded as if she had been crying  and he wouldn't blame her.

"Hermione? It's Percy. Can I come in?" He said loud enough to get through the door.

A sob broke through and he was in before rage could consent. There Hermione was with all he stuff, red eyed and looking so fragile like her voice had portrayed he nearly wanted to be angry at who mad she like that.

"Professor Percy..." she sobbed as she began crying for what felt like the millionth time in the past few days. "They-they....they don't want me..." she cried as she rubbed her eyes.

Percy quickly put her in his arms, hugging her as she cried and wailed into him. He gritted his teeth. He really wanted to give her parents a new one. But he wouldn't. "It's okay, it's going to be okay..."

"But it's not! They disowned me...I'm an orphan...I don't have a family-" Percy stopped her.

"You do have a family, you have Harry and your friends-me if you wish...you're not alone Hermione. Do you want me to talk to your parents? Want me to do anything?" Percy asked softly as he brought her away from his wet sweater.

She rubbed her eyes before she sat on the bed and thought. "They don't want me anymore....can-can you make them forget about me? They want that...I'll give them that...can you be my guardian till I live out-I'll make up for it! I'll do whatever you want, pay you back anything...just don't...don't leave me alone..." she cried tears appearing again.

Percy hurt physically but nodded softly and took her hands away from her face and started to wipe her face of tears. "Yeah, I'll take care of you and you don't have to do anything but be yourself. Grow and become an amazing witch Hermione, do you understand?"

Sobbing she quickly hugged him and they stayed like that until they were ready to go.


Sirius snickered as he found himself in Percy's offices-snooping of course. Why wouldn't he be? He found weird things such as Greek books and scripts. To Greek documents and letters he couldn't read. Then he found wizarding documents from bank statements to the trials.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now