:: Chapter 17 :: Maruadering map

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When they got to Hogwarts, Harry, Draco and Hermione were rushed off to the infirmary. Harry who was pretending to be fine in front of his friends immediately slumped into his fathers arms once he was given a hug. The ringing of screams in his ears.

The dementor not only tried to suck the living soul from him, but also brought up memories and sounds he didn't know he had. It also brought up the intense physical abuse he got from the Dursley's. He wanted to cry but he felt as if he had been doing that far to often lately even if it wasn't that true.

Don't! Please don't take him!

It was a males voice, utterly destroyed with sadness from the tone.

I swear you will die for all you've done!

It was garbled and distant, pained and angered. A wrath that scared him stuck to the words like poison.

The screams of Lily. Flashes of green. To a dark small space dusty and smelled of cleaners.

Tears pricked his eyes as the panic rose and before it could over take him, Percy was getting his attention by having their nearly similar eyes meet. One more poison green while the other matched a Caribbean sea green. He wondered what his dad was saying until he realized he couldn't hear and that his breathing was incoherent as he was.

Hermione and Draco watched on in shock, wondering how their friend was able to hold it in for so long. It actually kinda hurt that Harry didn't say anything about the obvious pain he was in.

"Harry, baby, look at me...." Percy said for the fifth time when Harry's eyes tried to fill again. He grabbed Harry's face and smiled softly trying not to show how worried he was. He didn't want Harry to think he was being a burden. "It's okay." He repeated over and over, Harry's arching his lips to read them. "Breath."

Harry heard that and putting his hands to his dads chest, remembering that it had been nearly two years since he had to do this to breath correctly. To calm down. He nearly lost the beat at that thought but feeling his fathers magic come and sooth him back into concentration helped.

Soon Harry was better and was enjoying being held. "Sorry...I didn't expect a panic attack."

Percy kissed Harry's forehead and gave him some chocolate that-who he assumed was the new professor-handed to him. "It's okay it happens. The good thing is you're all good now."

With that it was said that Sirius Black may be looking for Harry and of course Percy was not having that-but he was also really angry at Cornelius Fudge for putting dementors on a school. A school full of children which was a dementors favorite type of prey. They told Harry he couldn't go to the HogsMeade trips because wolf the fugitive. Even if Harry's and Percy knew that the escaped convict was his godfather. They weren't sure if he was sane enough to really get ahold of or anything similar.

Harry was bummed as he was looking forward to going to the village with his friends. He sighed knowing he wouldn't dare try to go against his father.

Weeks went by and winter had come, the only exciting things that happened was the twins and Percy's-now Jackson prank war that continued onwards.

There was also Ron Weasley and Friends changing for the better-the group of Harry's friends still had no clue what to think about it. Daphne kept saying Ron was having a mid-life crisis, even though they were all barely 13.

Speaking of the twins, or Weasleys, Harry had started to hang with them or talk to them more often enough that they considered each other friends. To the point that the twins gave him a map-after they were finally taken in a pupils of Percy's. They were so far kissing the ground of Percy's path as if he were their god-which if they knew he was-they probably would start worshipping him on the regular.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now