:: Chapter 48 :: The bees and the birds

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The bees and the birds-a talk Harry had heard once before when he was old enough to understand and ask his Dad about. He thought it was weird and never wanted his dad to ever say anything closely related to Sex ever again. But...with the night before and his Dad finding out after checking him over once-he had found out he was getting really active in that sort of business.

Harry groaned into his pillow-he would have yelled into it if he wasn't worried someone would come barging in to see if he was alright-he was right across from his Dad after all.

It was way past noon, around 3 in the evening and he was still in bed dreading what would happen when he got out of bed if he did. He hugged his pillow even closer to his chest as he put his chin over it to look out the window. It pretty outside he supposed. Nearly clear sky with the sun shining and birds flying about. His mind wondered is Hedwig was okay-he supposed she was as she only ever came around when she wanted treats or cuddles.

He smiled when he found Angus cuddling further into his hair-probably making it worse.

Then his thoughts went to last night. His heart picked up race a bit-no he wasn't thinking of the time spent in the small study with Draco, George and Fred. Though that too would have made his heart pitter patter as it was.

Dumbledore had made a brash move to get his Dad-he frowned deeply at that thought. It's the jist of what he got-and the reason being they wanted his blood-weird much? Completely. He didn't understand why but he didn't want his dad to get hurt. Not again or ever.

It sucked he only knew so much in magic-that he wasn't that experienced to help-he may be good at the sword. He felt decent in his skills, but going against magic with a sword will only get him so far.

He groaned as he tired to think of a way to help his dad out. As much as he could he wanted to help-Tom would be able to give him something to do-did he still need to play nice and deceive Dumblewhore? That's something he could ask-at an appropriate time....

A knock at his door had his ears twitch before he yelled a come in. "Harry?" It was his Dad.

Harry turned carefully considering he had his wings out and glamour off. "Yes?" He spoke as he looked at his father in a large shirt and pajama pants. All black-it looked like something he was sure Severus would wear.

"We need to talk-I called the Twins." Percy started but was quickly interrupted.

"What?! You called the twins over? Why?" He tried to ignore how many times his voice cracked in those short sentences. It was embarrassing enough his Dad knew and now his voice was acting up on him-he thought he was passed that stage of puberty.

Percy cackled a bit. "To talk-remember? I said we'd talk-and by we-I mean you, Draco, the twins, Me, Severus and Tom." He grinned at his sons mortified look. He was getting a bit of fun from Harry's shock.

He blinked before he sat up quickly his face flushing with heat tuning his face red. "Why are they going to be there?" He whined.

"They know more about the whole dynamics thing with mates-especially creatures and what they need to stay safe. So some to my room when your ready-and it better be in the next 10 minutes." Percy pointed at him with a look of no arguing allowed on his face.

Harry groaned and flipped backwards. His wings flitting a little at the ends. "Okay..." he said weakly.

"Good-I'll let you get dressed then." With that Harry was left to stew in how embarrassing it would be to get the talk with his mates-probably a lot.

When he arrived into the room-the Twins we're on one love seat settee looking nervous and fearful, while Draco sat in a chair. His cheeks red as apples as he looked at his hands. His parents were also there. Oh gods-Harry thought as his heart rate picked up and he found himself sitting in a chair beside Draco. His dad was between his biological parents. Severus looked rather uncomfortable, while Tom looked ready to kill the twins-he was the reason they looked afraid. Lucius and Narcissa were on a settee as well looking rather serious as well.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now