:: Chapter 14 :: Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Darth Vader

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It wasn't exactly the same since Hermione was like a missing piece to their puzzle, but they tried to retrace her steps throughout the library that was a second haven for her other then her room with Hannah Abbot. Neville was extra quiet but that was because they were housemates, and hung out a lot more together then the rest. But they all were feeling the loneliness left in her stead.

A lot more rumors came out about Harry, saying he was scum to do such a thing to his friend.

It made Harry angry as the ones that did the most damage to her were her ex housemates in Griffindor. Draco had to reel him in more then once from punching Ronald in the face with his admittedly smaller hands.

There was one time though....

Harry was sitting and reading in the library where most of his days were since Hermione's days as a statue began. He was reading what he could, as fast as he could. Of course he wasn't as good as the Statue herself. He sighed when again he came to the end to find no clue, as to what she had last.

Then in came Ron Weasley with his friends, or goons they liked to say but soon enough that red head spotted him before Harry could even get up from his chair. He cursed in his head as Ron approached with a smirk.

"Getting a bedtime story are we?" He asks as he snatched the book.

"No more like trying to find a poison that even magical means can't find..." Harry got up to walk, his eyes telling Ron exactly why he was, even if he really wasn't. His annoyance with the red head rising like a snake from a vase.

Ron scowled. "What for?" He smirked again. "Ah, going to put that big brained Hermione out of her misery?" He taunts.

Harry's eyes turned stoney as he paused from walking away. He turned to the red head and glared like a fire was burning throughout him. "What?"

"I mean, it would be best, otherwise she'd make a great scarecrow for my mums garden." He spoke not even wavering-he knew his wasn't as good as his dads, but when his glare got even darker Ron still wavered some but didn't freeze.

"What garden? I'm sure it's only pots filled with nothing but produce because you're family is poor, a family worth nothing can't possibly need one for such a small garden. I'm sure your mother makes a great scarecrow already though, I wonder how your father does it...." Harry started to smirk as Ron got redder in the face as he talked. "But I'm sure he's just as much a scare crow then her, a match made in heaven-they made great kids so far except for you it seems."

"Don't talk about my mother, or are you jealous I have one? After your mud blood mother died-of course you won't have one-and your father is gay isn't he? You'll never have a mother-Lily probably deserved-" before he could even finish he was holding his mouth while on the ground. His blue eyes looked up horrified at the angry dark looking Harry above him. Blood pooling in his mouth.

"Ronald Weasley," he leaned down and got close to the boy, "if you ever speak of my family in Ill terms ever again..." he leaned past his face and spoke directly into his ear. "I'll kill you."

Ron gulped as Harry pulled away and put on a fake smile as he dusted off his robes of imaginary dust. "Y-You wou-wouldn't..."

"Try me." He turned, but paused. "Oh and Ron, starting today, I'm going to make your life a living hell."

That was how that encounter turned out, and how Harry got his father to let him help prank the twins, but most of all to prank the most annoying Weasley. Well besides the youngest and only daughter of the red headed family.

Admittedly Harry had never thought to be much of the pranking type but his father opened his eyes to the world of magic and none magical means of Pranking someone and how fun it was. Of course there was rules that he followed to a tee, especially the one his father was strictly serious about.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now