:: Chapter 32 :: Extra classes

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As days turned into weeks. Harry had started to get used to living in the same place as his dad while at Hogwarts. Enjoying his classes and enjoying his time with the friends that were talking to him. It wasn't much different from before Hogwarts-except they were at Hogwarts.

At some point-Dumbledore was being surrounded by aurors to bring him in for questioning. His father had smirked proudly at the thought as he was the one who gave all the tips to every root he could find of the old mans. But was angry that the old man somehow escaped.

With the position of headmaster open-the one to step up wasn't either Percy or Mcgonagal-like many had hoped so fruitlessly. Instead the Pink toad, who was already setting up rules that made Percy want to throttle her. Or feed her to the black lake. Maybe to Mrs. O'Leary, or Estella...Either way he wanted her gone. Especially when she criticizes his teaching to his students. She seemed to think his work unimportant.

Muggle studies actually helped his students understand why it was so important to keep hidden-for now. One Nuke could absolutely destroy them all and this castle if it were ever found somehow.

Harry agreed with his father when she taught nothing for DADA. Only had them read books and they very well couldn't pass their exams if that continued.

So with the help of Hermione and Neville, plus the Weasleys-Ron, Ginny and the twins. They had meetings in the room of requirement twice a week. It was fun for them. It made it feel like a secret mission.

Though there came a day when a teacher found out.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to gulp and lower their wands, the dummies falling still and Harry sighed.

"What?" Percy asks as he rolls his eyes and enters the room. "You need an adult to supervise at least, right? So here I am." He pointed out. He was right if it wasn't a secret club slash class. Percy brightened into a smiling ball. "Also, I can teach some self defense when your wandless if anyone would like."

The room filled with cheer and Harry smiled at his dad-super proud to be his son. "Thanks Dad." He laughs when his hair is ruffled, feeling like he was ten all over again.

They got to work making the kids stronger and smarter in DADA and self defense with the help of the twins and Harry himself.

Weeks passed, Halloween passed, Christmas passed.

And while Harry missed his friends and his house-he was happy.

Harry was in the room by himself, Ron having just escorted the smaller years that had joined-the list of scrawled names having gotten so much longer. Nearly half the school came, the classes for such happened everyday now to. Though they tried to be inconspicuous. The pink toad still had an eye on them. It got harder by the day to keep their army hidden from her beady eyes.

He thought about Ron and smiled. He could say the male was quickly becoming one of his best friends. His sister not as love/Hero struck was also a good friend to have. She, Luna and Hermione got along well. Always ganging up on the boys. Mainly Harry and Ron. Neville was just strung along for the ride most times.

Speaking of Neville, the boy was growing out of his baby fat-still round in the cheeks but he was tall and lanky. But with the year under Percy he was filling in just a little. He was surprisingly one of Percy's favorite to teach. He took to all of it better then any other. But they all worried for him a tad bit. He was really close to Daphne and Blaise. But he hid it pretty well.

The twins practically courted him as much as they could seeing as that year would be their last year. They wanted Harry in a relationship-they even spoke of Draco-but that wouldn't be happening with how the boy was acting. Yet Harry wasn't ready. So he thinks, and he was not in the mind set yet to date anyone steadily. They were a little put out but they didn't push. They only gave Harry a kiss on the forehead each and told him they could wait until he was ready. They knew it was hard for Harry at the moment. And they wanted Draco just as much as Harry. Their feelings only grew as time grew longer.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now