:: Chapter 39 :: Finding mates

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It was midnight, and Harry found himself in a sweltering hell of heat that his own body produced. A fever that had taken over him for an entire week. It worried everyone as it wouldn't go down and made Harry bedridden, weak and he started to think when he didn't eat.

His body felt like it would melt while he also shivers as his skin felt like ice. He groaned as his body started to prickle, he eyes the clock next to his glasses, barely able to read the time. Nearly midnight.

He wanted to cry, he hated being sick. Feeling sore and muddy, it reminded him of his time with the Dursley's. He watched the time needing to focus on something other then the heat and the cold.

Barely he was able to register the time before he was screaming bloody murder as he arched off his bed. He couldn't register anything else and definitely not his birth parents barging in with soon more people.

"What's wrong with him?" Hermione asked as she watched wide eyed as Serverus tried to sooth the pain-his hands slightly glowing in the now lit up room. Tears coming to her eyes as he screamed more-starting sob as he cried, obviously in pain and she could do nothing for him.

"I'm not 100 percent, but I believe he's going into his Inheritance before his Magical Majority." Tom spoke as he spelled the blankets away just as Harry had turned away and arched like a cat as his hands-now with sharper nails-shredded the mattress. A scent now reaching his nose.

He quickly pulled Severus away even though the man didn't want to but firmly did so as Harry's back started to burn out a pattern. It was slow and looked as if a hot coal was being moved through his skin.

Suddenly Draco smelt it-the pheromones most likely Harry was producing. And to him as he was could only tell it smelt like a hint of flowers and smoke-incense in a way. Stifling hot, it filled his lungs and suddenly he was waning and lightheaded.

"Why is he going into an inheritance so early? He still has a year till then!" Daphne spoke as she came up next to Hermione and took her hand in support. It was the closest they had been since they started living together-all of his ex friends were over trying to get back to what they used to be-friends. She remembered brushing Hermione's hair and braiding it, laying on her lap or the others. It was nice and felt like a step forward where they had all stepped backwards when Tom hadn't been in his right mind.

Draco blinked trying to ignore the slow burning in his chest. "Yes...why is Harry?" He tried to shake the fogginess from taking over his mind.

"Most likely stress-an extreme kind-I would have been surprised like all of you but I'm more surprised he didn't last summer-the tournament with its ancient laws states your an adult if you can enter and win." Tom spoke gently as he explained to them, ordering Narcissa to do a quick assessment-Harry wasn't screaming but crying and whining.

Suddenly Draco was falling and Blaise had to catch him. The boy was shaking and as hot as Harry was. He was groaning as pain spiked through him like electricity. "What...ugh," he grabbed at Blaise to find something to anchor himself.

Narcissa's eyes widened as she looked at her soon then to Tom who nodded. "Bring him here..." Blaise complied and brought Draco to the bed there Harry reached out instantly and brought Draco closer and they both sighed in relief. "Lucious is going to have a fit." She sighed but smiled as Harry settled the pain that was written on both faces calming as they held hands between them as they laid down.

Hermione frowned. "And that means?" She looked to Tom.

"It means Draco is Harry's mate, when one goes into their inheritance with their mate nearby-then even though they haven't reached their majority-will go into one as well. The pheromones Harry is releasing is not only to be used to find mates-but make sure their mates also know they are to be mates. It's a complicated matter-I'll give you books to read, for now I think we all should leave and let them go through the change-we will only be in the way." Tom spoke gently even though he worried himself for his son. He winced a little inside-his son didn't even want him as a dad.

"What if they get hurt?" Theo speaks up with a frown as they head out of the room they had all rushed to-glad it wasn't anything life threatening.

"They'll be just fine." Tom assured, taking Severus' hand to give him that same statement with a look of assurance, kissing his knuckles softly to show him he meant it.

They all conceded and left, trying to wind down. Trying to let it be even if it seemed hard to have it that way when all they wanted to do was help.


Harry whined as he dug himself closer to the thing that seemed to lower his fever down. He was sore all over, especially his back-it felt like he got burned by fire. He sniffed the air, the smell of sweat and b.o was sorta strong. It made him wrinkle his nose-then he smelt it. The smell of winter-the smell of snow. He knows that's not an actual smell but in a way it was. It also smelt faintly of rain, cold rain. That's the smell entirely. He buried his nose in the cooling skin purring back to the purr that erupted. It more like a rumble.

It shifted closer-and a hand, a pleasantly cool one ran up his back before it reached something sensitive-something he felt move like he would his arms. His brows furrowed as the hands now stopped before carefully feeling the appendages. He shivered and let out a small mewl.

"What in the name of Merlin..." Harry moved slightly...was that Draco's voice? It sounded a lot smoother and deeper, that purr he was responding to also his.

Wait..., appendages, sore back, purring and Draco? Harry sat up quickly as he looked at Draco who also looked just as surprised.

Harry was surprised just as much as Draco was at how different they looked.

Draco's hair had grown a slight bit more to curl around his pointed ears and neck. Pointed ears that seemed to shimmer with silver freckles. His ice blue eyes were a tad larger to give a cute effect-that countermeasures the sharper features. Sharper smoother nose, skin marble smooth-at least from where Harry's hand was on his abs-, the boys shirt barely fit. It was tight with the new body. He gulped as he looked him over. He looked like he had a second growth spurt even though he had definitely grown in the past year. He looked to be taller, he was still thin but tall thin, and with lithe muscles.

While Harry looked him over, Draco looked him over and tried desperately to ignore the sudden urge to kiss him-or more like ignore how horny he had gotten. He shouldn't be jumping his bones after all that happened in the past 12 hours. It was past noon now from what he gathered from the clock. Harry's hair was silkier-more tamed then before. It curled softly over his ears and it was long from having not cut it in a near year, so it nipped at his shoulders. He was taller he could tell himself but only a few more inches. His eyes were larger like a dolls, brighter-he bet they would glow in the dark. Though they had blue specked in them now. His ears too were pointed but not as much as Snapes, just enough to have come to a point. With black and bright blue specked to a matte black at the tips. Though he grew taller he didn't grow more muscle then he already had, lithe and taunt that carved his most well-but still soft enough to have no ab definition like Draco himself. It was to faint to tell but he could get one.

Then his eyes roamed to the best silk-it was softer then silk-the black and blue wings that were larger then Harry, the blue flecks and blue feathers glowed like Harry's eyes. His hands had black matte nails that he was sure would hurt with how sharp they looked.

Basically-he was magical.

"What?" Harry asked tilting his head, a weird crooning like sound coming from him-it sounded like angus or Hedwig when they tried to make a sound-but softer. He touched his throat in surprise.

"That was adorable..." Draco spoke enchanted before blushing bright red showing his pale skin was freckled as mush as the tips of his ears in silver.

Harry blushed. "Um what happened?" He asked as he sat and looked back to see wings with wide eyes. That was interesting...but it felt natural-though it was uncomfortable to sit on the bed with them splayed out-as he thought this they seemed to melt like water and yet there was fire-kinda like magma as it shifted into a ink like substance to burn into intricate designs over his back. Making him realize his pajama shirt was gone. His blush came back ten fold.

Biting his inner cheek Draco nodded as he tried to keep his cool. "You went into an inheritance. We can ask Lord Riddle more about it when you feel up to getting out and about."

Harry thought he'd rather stay in bed and cuddle but blushed furiously as he quickly got off the bed-but pulled Draco with him. "Let's go get answers." He spoke softly.

Draco followed with a smirk.


Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now