:: Chapter 50 :: Healing Hands

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This chapter contains smut-or heavy sexual scenes and descriptions . Skip chapter if you don't want to read. I'll give basics of anything mentioned that you weren't able to read otherwise. Anyways-have a nice ride.


Percy sighed as he sat in one of the comfiest chairs ever, he relaxed as if he had no bones. He had just dropped Harry and Hermione, with Draco, Neville, Luna and Ron-who had been formally introduced as their friend. Draco reluctantly let the Weasley. As did Ron to him-and the other Slytherin.

But Harry was excited to go to school for the rest of the year considering Dumbledore was out with a warrant over his head. Severus forced to take the headmaster spot for now as Mcgonagal was late to the pickings-that and it was all part of Toms plans. So Percy felt it was or should be safe for the last remaining months of time.

He sat up again and found himself feeling itchy. Something was off but it wasn't bad-not like it was that night at the yule ball celebrations. He looked around and wondered where everyone was. Should he go be with Severus and Tom?

That's sounded like a good idea.

He remembered Tom was working in his office today. Working on some papers, and Severus was at school. The two got home, and went off to do whatever they needed to do.

They were busy basically, but did that matter to Percy? No, of course not. Considering they started dating-he had the right to bother them while working. Percy smiled to himself in excited glee from messing with his boyfriends-Harry still didn't know, they were taking it slow. Sometimes Percy wanted to go fast-but then his heart skipped in fear and he stopped that train of thought. But it's kind of lonely...he would be back at the school teaching-but neither of them wanted him in that school until Dumbledore was caught.

He has complained and told them Dumbledore wasn't a problem for him as he had finally embraced his godly powers, and blessings. He was practicing them actually. Happily enjoying some of the blessings and such-though sometimes he forgets he doesn't have to do things the mortal way-but he also enjoys being mortal in mundane ways of life. He'd think being a god would be boring if he didn't scrub the dishes by hand instead of letting the magical sponge do it's job or snapping his fingers and everything instantly being clean. Not just the dishes.

He comes to find out-Tom was off and he was left alone in the big old Manor.

So he pulled a few pranks in the meantime.


Come February-his pranks were catching up to him in a way he didn't expect.

By being slammed into a wall, a very soaked Tom pressed heavily against him with a growl in his throat. "You really are on your last warning Golden one." They breathed heavily into each other and Percy could swear Tom can hear his heart racing. Or at least feel it through his chest.

"I thought yesterday was my last warning?" He said breathlessly as he stared up with his eyes finding his.

The hands on his hips gripped tighter and pulled Percy closer with a gasp from his lips. "That's true. You ready for your punishment then?" Tom smirked-his fangs out now as he got excited.

Percy frowned. "Punishment?" He blinked then gasped when he was thrown over a wet shoulder and bounced as Tom walked off into a direction.

"Yes-" he wiggled and gasped when Tom grasped his ass firmly then smacked it. "Don't worry, I'll get Severus to-he's going to hear about what you did to his favorite potion room."

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now