:: Chapter 23 :: The Competitors

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A tall figure entered into the room, it was quiet and the only light coming from the goblet, it's flames flickering the shadows softly around the large room.

It was night time and everyone slept peacefully unaware of the plans the figure had in the goblet room. They walked easily past the shimmering age line and to the goblet.

A noise from outside of the room spooked them enough to swish around to stare at the doors, before quickly reaching into their sleeve to retrieve a slip of paper that quickly cluttered up with their toss. Then they started leaving the room even before the paper had fully fizzled into non existence.

The paper twiddled softly turning as it started to burn properly, the name striking out boldly. One to young for the trials ahead.

Harry Potter-Jackson.


The group of friends-Harry, Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Daphne, Neville and Hermione sat in the grass enjoying the warmth of the fall day. Still a few chilly winds but it was nice out and that's all that matters. It was Going to be Halloween soon and the schools that would be competing with Hogwarts were to be here any day now.

And while speaking of it, Draco pointed out the sudden approach of a flying ship-Harry thought of the stories of Argo at the large ship-but it looked more Viking then the one his Dad spoke fondly of. They swirled around the school before coming to land in the black lake. Then a carriage-or rather carriages pulled by Pegasi came swooping down and landed in the main courtyard.

"Woah, makes them look more Dramatic then Snape." Blaise spoke amusedly.

"No one is ever more dramatic then Snape." Harry replied snickering and Draco joined in after he thought about it himself.

"Correct." Blaise consented as he stood with the rest to go catch a glimpse of the other schools if possible. But it was kinda hard with everyone crowding around and none of them wanted to get stomped or pushed around. Much less even touched by anyone they didn't know or possibly didn't even like.

They caught glimpses but not enough to really get a full view of anyone. Or so gage what they were like. But they left it as that and decided to go back to their spot and talk softly with each other. Making guesses as to what the schools and competitors would be.

Before they were off back to classes when they realized the time.


The great hall filled with chatters as kids of all ages sat and waited cheerily for the upcoming Halloween Feast. Harry was poking fun at Draco, the boys cheeks going red as he defended himself meekly, unable to do much against his best friend. Besides poke fun back, and soon they were grinning. Blaise and Daphne just sat quietly enjoying their banter. Theo reading book but listening in. The two Hufflepuffs at their own table talking excitedly, just as the doors bursts open with loud sounds of something hitting the floor.

Everyone watched as a bunch of boys came marching in hitting staffs hard enough to cause Marks and Sparks. Harry was totally enamored as he watched them storm in a graceful and very practiced entry. Draco seemed miffed and he didn't even know why. Especially when a tall nearly man winked at Harry as he caught his eye, making the younger blush but he didn't look away.

Draco was about as unabashed as Percy was bored at their entrance.

Soon after they were declared as Durmstrang, an all boy wizarding school. They were sat down. And the next school entered.

The hall burst with little butterflies as gracefully in their long blue skirts did the next school enter. Twirling and playing and smiling. They enchanted most the boys. Especially a tall slim beauty that walked as bout as graceful as a god.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now