:: Chapter 43 :: Halloween

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Severus looked down at his hands, his were holding another's. Pale-the golden tint gone, the tan gone. He frowned as he rubbed the smooth nearly lifeless skin. The soft scars faded but there for his eyes to focus on.

His frown deepened as he looked up to the face that held no emotion or awareness. Just a calm sleep.

"He will be fine." Poseidon spoke gently. "He is filling out what has been done and healing. Both mentally and physically. So that when he wakes...he will be fine..."

"What if he isn't?" He asks his brows furrowing deeper.

Poseidon looked the man over, the way he held his sons hand as if it was a lifeline to the way the creases seemed more permanent by the second. The way his eyes didn't ever stray far from Percy. To the agony of worrying over him settled deep into his eyes.

The god of sea sighed. "Then you will be there for him. All gods...go through this-it always helps to have someone there when they wake up though." He patted Severus' back roughly. "Though...if you or Tom hurt him in anyway...you will not like what happens."

With that the old Greek left a paler then normal pale Severus to stew in the silence created.

Tom then walked in with a tray of food, looking tired but he felt better then he had in years. He smirked happily at Severus who melted internally.

They may hate-despise what happened. But it couldn't destroy their love for each other. Or how Severus was actually a big softie to those he loves. Or to how Tom Riddle was a dork. It wouldn't change who they really were...and all thanks to Percy they were themselves again.

Severus supposed it was fates doing-though Percy would try to disagree-that Percy came into their lives, had taken care of their son and was their mate all in one go. How he also saved them, made them the way they used to be, cleansed them in a way.

"What?" Tom asked as he sat next to Severus, handing the man a cup of water. When he was given a raised brow red eyed rolled. "You just scoffed. You thought of something either funny-or irritating."

"Just thought that he really is a god." He spoke with a shrug then sighed as he checked the time. "Speaking of the time-and what is irritating. I have to go back to Hogwarts before I am missed."

Tom stopped him from leaving. "At least eat first." He shoved the man back down, putting Percy's hand back on the bed after taking it away. Though he wanted to hold the mans hand just as much as he needed to let go for a moment.

The professor sighed and rolled his eyes at his mate. Before he took the sand which that was handed to him. As Tom sucked on a blood pop.

"Do we know when he will wake up?" Tom asks as he sets the tray down from off his lap and onto the nightstand. Leaving him standing over Percy.

Who was in their care till said otherwise.

They still couldn't get ahold of Sirius and Remus. And they worried by the day. Even if Severus hated Sirius-it still worried him that the man wasn't responding when they needed him. For Harry. For Percy.

"Stop." Tom sighed as he knelt before Severus with a frown on his usually calm face. "Stop worrying over everything."

"I can't!" Severus burst out. "I can't not worry! Cause so many things can go wrong and everything could be taken away from us the more time passes! Don't you get that? The more answers aren't coming means he's ahead of us!! It means he's planning something-or he's done something while we're here doing nothing!" Severus growled when Tom took his hands and took his face to make him look at Tom and not at Percy. Who layed so still sometime she thought he was dead if it weren't for him breathing softly against the sheets. "We can't do anything...." He whispered trying to keep the sting out of his eyes.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz