:: Chapter 27 :: A break well needed

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The last task was told to the champions. A maze that had been planted by Sprout and Hagrid in the same place that once held dragons and flat ground for Quiditch. They had watched silently as they were told, watching as Hagrid swatted at a vine that tried to take a watering can for itself.

Harry felt it was probably the least bit worrisome. But considering there would be more then the bushes that were taller then Hagrid, but other obstacles hidden with it. He had a bit of anxiety with the last task, but he felt he would be somewhat okay even with the ball of dread heavy in his stomach.

So he went and trained harder and studied more. His classes passed easily and he passed his classes like it was nothing. He might as well study for them as he studied to survive the rest of the year.

Hermione helped as she wasn't one to not do so while they studied.

Right now it was just the two of them in the Library, deep into the musty smelling space of thousands of pages. They hadn't seen another soul for what felt like ages. They were that deep in the grand library. They were sure the librarian wouldn't be able to shush them from where they were, out of her sight.

Then the twins appeared and made a sound of accomplishment as they came towards them, having finally found who they were looking for. Grinning when Harry found them heading his way making the boy blush but smile back happy to see them. Hermione raised a brow at them and immediately went back to her books. Biting her lip all the while from a smile at seeing Harry get excited.

"Harrykins, we have a request." Fred spoke as he leaned over the table to them. Ignoring the piling books and Hermiones disturbed reading. His hands landing on the papers they had barely finished for class.

Harry raised a brow. "A what?" He shifted in his seat as he lowered the book he had been reading to look at them more properly.

"A request, you do know what that means yes?" George asks cheekily. Winking at Hermione when she rolled her eyes at him.

Rolling his own eyes he smiled. "Yes, I do, what's the request you two want from me? The magnificent champion of Hogwarts?" He asked snobbishly, getting a snort from Hermione before she decided to stick her nose closer to the book.

Grinning they pulled a paper out and gave it to him. "Tonight, you and Draco, come here. Of course do try not to get caught. Okay?" George advised and then the twins were leaving before Harry could ask exactly what they were doing.

"I think it's them that don't know what a request is." Hermione giggled.

"Right?" Harry laughs, before looking at the paper, then putting it in his pocket and going back to his own books.


"Why are we sneaking out?" Draco asked as they hid behind a corner as they watched Snape turn another before they were quickly running towards their destination. Both silent with spells and notice me not ones as well.

"Because," he turns and points at them in turn. "-we are off to have some fun. The twins requested both of us." Harry shushed the boy before pulling him quickly outside and down towards the forbidden forest.

"Why both of us?" Draco asks with a frown. He had talked to them only a few times, enough to count them off on one hand since the encounter in the empty classroom.

Harry shrugs, as they come up to the two figures they recognize as the Weasley Twins. He waved and they beckoned them towards them. They ran to them the last bit of the way. Harry getting excited, wondering what they'd be doing.

"Both of you know how to fly, yes?" Fred whispered as he pulled them deeper into the forest so they wouldn't be seen even if they were in the cover of darkness.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now