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Theres is no such as a hope that hurts others

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Theres is no such as a hope
that hurts others

Theres is no such as a hope that hurts others

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"Tell us, Y/N.. who was the one who baked the cookie?"

'Who baked the cookie....?' I thought for a while, I bit my nails in anticipation. 'Whoever baked them must be the most who spends time in the kitchen.... And that's only Hina, Sakura and Hifumi.'

"I was with Toko the entire time, and Sakura was with us as well. There was no time for either of us to bake cookies." Aoi quickly defended themselves.

"Why was she with you guys this entire time?"

"Because.... Something went down in Tokyo and I was afraid."

"Something went down?"

"None of your business."

"Fine... What about a three way planned murder?" Celestia asked.

The swimmer shook her head, "Monokuma said that they weren't accomplishing this time, remember?"

"It seems so..."

"That just leaves you. Hifumi, were you the last one to use the oven?" I asked. The ultimate fanfic writer fumbled over his words.

"T-the oven?! I only use the teapot kettle to make tea!"

"Bullshit, other than Sakura, you're our only other lead!"

"Get another lead because it wasn't me in the kitchen!" Hifumi crossed his arms, "My lips are sealed!"

"Fine, well just ask Hiro." Kyoko advertised all of our attention on the clairvoyant who was sweating bullets.

He scratched his head, "W-What about me....?"

"You were with Hifumi this entire time, tell us. Did he go into the kitchen at anypoint today?" Hiro bit a finger, debating on what to tell us. The purplette slightly raised her voice, "Tell us now. Do not waste our time!"

"U-Uh..." He gripped his hair.

"Just tell us--"

"--We went! We went to the kitchen...."

"S-Shut uppp!" Hifumi hissed from across the room. His face was ghostly white and you could see the sweat dripping down his face and glasses.

"We went to the kitchen yesterday, Hifumi decided to bake cookies for everyone! He did it! He did it allllll!" Hiro finally broke down, he hid his face in shame.

"Tell us, what went down yesterday in the kitchen?"


"I'm sorry man..." Yashiro flipped some hair from his forehead as he apologized, he took a deep breath before continuing. "We were in the kitchen the entire morning, Hifumi was baking some cookies for everyone while I handed him a few ingredients here and there."


      "W-We baked three plates, one regular, one with oatmeal and the last with almonds....I swear we didn't know about his allergies?!"

       "I-It wasn't me! He's lying!" Hifumi broke his glasses as he roared. He tilted his head backwards before looking directly into my eyes. "Defend me! Y/N defend me! Tell them he's wrong!"

      "Well that's too late now....? What do I do when Hiro confesses already?!"

       "Defend me! Defend me! Defend me! We were anime buddies! You're all I have faith in now! Defend me!"


       "Defend me.... Defend me please...." Tears slowly streamed down his face. No matter how badly I wanted to help the friendly fanfic writer there was nothing I could do...

The detective sighed, and she turned to monokuma, ordering for him to allow us to vote.

"Time for the moment we've all been waiting for! Grab your liver and give it a yank!Who will you elect as the blackened this time around? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one?" I placed a hand over Hifumi's icon, in the corner of his eyes I could see his eyes peering into my own.

"What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beeee!?" We looked at each other before looking at the little slot machine, he pulled the lever down and we dreadfully waited for Hifu Is face to roll up. "Uh-oh... This time it looks like...you got it right again! Yes, it is so. The blade that killed kiyotaka ishimaru was hifumi yamada aaaaaa!"

"Dammit... you really did kill him. Fuck.. Fuck dammit hifumi..." Mondo leaned over the pillar holding his head.

"How sad, you're grieving...unfortunately, I can't do that right now! Because the time for punishment is fast approaching!"

Makoto turned towards the talking bear, "P-Punishing...?
"You mean...execution...!?" Yashihiro screamed.

"That's what I promised you, right? The blackened that disturbs the peace will be punished."

"H-Hold on!"

"Now then, I've prepared a very special punishment for Hifumi Yamada, the Ultimate Fanfic Creator!"

"N-No, wait! Wait!" Hifumi finally spoke up, his eyes darted around. "I-I... I will not go down! This is the f-final boss!"

"Oh lord--Let's give it everything we've got! It's...PUNISHMENT TIME!"

"I WILL NOT GO DOWN!" Hifumi roared and suddenly made a Beeline towards the exit, not before he tightly gripped my wrists, pulling me up and over his shoulders.

"Whoa-- Hey?! W-Wait put me down" I pleaded. I kicked kim the best i could and i twisted the skin on his body but nothing could get through to him. It was like his body completely transformed into something new. He ran further and further down the long hallway with me on his shoulders. The trial room got smaller and smaller as my fear grew.

"This is interesting, you cannot run from your execution but you can try!" Monokuma laughed.

    "This is interesting, you cannot run from your execution but you can try!" Monokuma laughed

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