Chapter 21

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Why are they always hiding things from me? It's unfair to me and to our relationships. Do they not trust me with what's going on? But it's my life too. I have a right to know. I need to confront Jake and the others. Maybe I should go to Cole. When I ask him questions it always looks like I'm so close to breaking him and finding out the trust. For now I'll just settle for one answer. I want to know about Bill, my father.

Once I'm recovered from my small panic attack I decide it's time to leave the kitchen. I need to think, alone. I lift myself from the floor and begin to walk out of the kitchen before Dylan stops me. Where did he come from?

"Where do you think you're going?" he asks.

"My room," I answer him with maybe a bit more attitude than I wanted.

"First, attitude check. Second, we are having dinner now."

"Can I please go back to my room? I need space right now."

"Yeah, Sky. You can leave if you want, but be back in around twenty minutes please." Jake says before Dylan can object.

I walk out of the kitchen feeling Dyaln's harsh stares at my back. This dude really has anger issues. One second he is fun and the next he is so upset that just his gaze could paralyze me.

As I turn the corner to walk up the stairs I hear the boys talking. Curiosity kicks in and I can't help myself. I need answers, and if they won't tell me I'll find out by myself.

"We have to answer her questions at some point. She is not stupid and she deserves the truth." I hear Cole say. My head is pushed up against the wall so I can hear every detail of their conversation.

"She is not ready. End of discussion." Jake says.

"You can't just say end of discussion and expect us to listen," Cole states.

"I can and I am. She is too young to know the things we are keeping from her. Besides for the obvious reason, she has already been through so much emotional trauma, I really do not want to add anymore to it. She deserves to have a normal life without all of our baggage." Jake adds.

"I hear what you're saying, but eventually the truth will come out and I really hope she won't hate us for it," Cole answers.

I take my head off the wall because the conversation seems to be over. I continue my way to my room and I see Ben down the hall.

"Hey little sis. What's up?" he says in the most cheerful voice. How is this guy always so happy?

"Nothing, just going to my room."

"What about dinner?"

"Jake said I can come down in twenty minutes to eat with you guys."

"Okay see you then." He walks past me and pats my shoulder.

Somehow his happiness latched onto me like a leech. I try to shake it off because I'm supposed to be in a bad mood but I can't. I know there is nothing I can do to change Jake's mind so maybe I should just not stress about it.

I go into my room, jump into my bed, and give out a dramatic gasp of exhaustion. I take my airpods from somewhere inside my bed, plug them into my ears and let the songs on my playlist shuffle. The different melodies and lyrics fill my head so there is no room for my own thoughts.

I check the time and I see it's been thirty minutes. I leap out of the comfortable sheets and run out my door. Tired from my three seconds of exercise, I stop running and walk down the long hallway to the staircase. I walk down the familiar steps until I get to the kitchen. Taking a deep breath I walk through the big door frame and slowly take my seat at the table with my brothers.

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