Chapter 30

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I walk out of the room and see Cole in the waiting room. He is on his phone and when he sees me, he stands up right away.

"How was?" he asks.

"Good," I say, smiling.

"Come, let's go to the car."

We get to the car and Cole puts on some music. I pull out my phone and try to turn it on. I click the button ten times and it won't turn on. I start to freak out. Maybe it is just dead. No, it can't be. I charged it all last night and I didn't use it all day. I knew when I dropped it a few days ago it would completely break soon enough.

"The others were thinking about going to dinner tonight. How would you feel about that? We have never gone out to dinner as a family together."

"Um, that sounds great."

I plaster on a fake smile. I hate going out to eat. I've only done it twice, and both times have been traumatizing. I hate eating in front of people, I don't like dressing up, and I don't like fancy food. Nothing about this idea sounds good, but I would never admit that to Cole.

We arrive back at the house and we both climb out of the car. "Are we going to a fancy place? Like should I wear a dress?"

"I'll ask Jake, I'm not sure."

"As we walk up to the door Cole texts Jake on his phone."

I open the door and hang up my coat. By the time I'm finished Cole is still texting on his phone.

"Did he answer?" I ask.

"Yes. We are going to a nice place, so dress accordingly. We will leave ay 6:30. Our reservations are for 7 and it is a 30 minute drive."

I try to look at my phone to see the time, but once again, it won't turn on. I walk over to the kitchen to see the time on the microwave. The time reads 4:00. Great, I have no time.

As I jog up the stairs, I hear Cole yell at me to be careful. I roll my eyes, knowing he can't see. For some reason they all get so annoyed when I roll my eyes at them. Weirdos. I walk into my room and dig through my closet looking for the perfect outfit.

After probably 10 minutes of searching, I find a skirt and shirt to wear. It's a leather skirt that reaches almost to me knee and nice white sweater. I think this will work. I also take out black thigh high boots, and sheer black tights.

Because my phone is being stupid, I have to do the old fashion this and scream. I open my door a crack and call Ben's name. Within seconds he is at my door.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to know if my outfit is okay."


"Yeah, why?" I ask, puzzled.

"I thought something was wrong."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I won't yell next time. I didn't mean to worry you."

"No, it's okay, just nervous for no reason." He pauses. "So let me see what you have picked out."

I bring him to my bed where I laid everything out. "Is this okay? Or is more like a dress kind of restaurant?"

"No, this is perfect, you will look great."


"Anything else?"

"No, that's it."

"Okay. Holler if you need me again."

He laughs at himself as he walks out the door. I giggle at his use of the word "holler". That word reminds me of an old man.

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