Chapter 27

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"I have a bodyguard?" I shout. Jake nods.

"Why have I never seen him before?" I ask.

"Because we didn't want you to see him," Jake answers.

"I don't want someone watching me 24/7 that's so-" I try to find a word to fit my feelings, "uncomfortable."

"When you are in this house no one is watching you. We have around the clock security watching the house. Your bodyguard is only there for when you leave the house. Which reminds me, if you ever plan on leaving the house without permission, don't, especially while he is still out there."

His use of the word "he" instead of Nick does not go unnoticed. I guess he realized that even his name causes me shivers.

"Okay," I respond.

"Really? That's all you want to say about this? I thought it would be a whole fight," Cole says.

"No, I think knowing that someone will always be there to watch over me when you guys aren't there makes me feel safe."

Jake and Cole exchange looks of uneasiness but I decide to ignore them.

"Is the pasta ready yet?"

"Yes," Jake says, giving it one final stir.

He pours the noodles into a strainer over the sink and I see all the water leak out from underneath the bowl. Once all the water is drained he puts it back in the pot.

"Cheese, sauce, or both?" he asks.

"Cheese, please." I responded.

He goes to get the cheese from the fridge and sprinkles it over the pasta. I go to get utensils and placemats.

"Cole, are you eating with us?"

"Yeah, sure."

Once I have the correct number of forks and cups in my hands I put them on the table and sit down. Jake brings over the food in the bowls and sits down with us. Once I finish eating I take my bowl and put it in the sink. As I start walking out of the kitchen Jake stops me.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"To my room?" I say in more of a question.

"Why?" he asks. What a dumb question.

"Because I have a lot of work and a test tomorrow."
"You are not going to school tomorrow."

Oh, that's where he was going with this.

"Jake, I have to go to school. I've missed so much school already and I have a test.

Please, don't make me stay home." I try asking as nicely as possible.

He takes a deep breath before answering. "I'll get back to you. Let's see how tonight goes first."

What does he mean by that? What is going to happen tonight? I push these thoughts from my brain and walk upstairs. At least he didn't immediately deny my request. I think they may be making progress. When I first came here they acted like my commanding officers at military school, and now they are starting to act more and more like brothers. Or like what I assume brothers should act like.

I walk up the familiar staircase and down the hall to my room. When I open the door I see my backpack right where I left it. I load out all my work that I need to do. Between math, history, and biology, I'm drowning. I sit at my desk, open my computer and begin my work. I move back and forth between the subjects trying to get every once of information to stick inside my brain. Usually it's not that hard to study, I've never really struggled, but this school is much different. My old school was in the middle of nowhere. The teachers were severely underpaid, like most, and they all hated their job and students. Now, it's like a whole new world. The teachers are kind and accommodating. Not once have I been chastised for my lateness or absences, which is an enormous relief.

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