Chapter 2

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Waking up I couldn't believe last night happened. Dylan was being nice to me and tried to help me, I never thought that would happen. Before thinking too much and getting in my head again I decide to get out of the soft comfortable sheets so I can brush my teeth. After a couple of minutes of getting ready I walk out my door and hop down the stairs. I'm in a really good mood. Maybe it's because I was able to cry out my feelings and this was my first night in a while without any nightmares. The sun shines through the massive windows in the stairway, and I feel the soft plush of the carpet through my socks. When I finally reach the bottom of the stairs I see the time on the cable box under the tv. Wow, I can't believe I slept so late it's already twelve. Never in my life have I slept past eleven.

"You slept late. Do you want breakfast?" Cole asks me.

"It's way too early to eat, I'll have lunch in an hour or two."

"But you didn't have that much dinner last night, you must be starving," he says again.

"No, it's okay. I'm not hungry," I replied.

"Suit yourself. More waffles for me," Zach says rushing through the kitchen.

He towers over me as he reaches for a plate in the cabinet next to me. I can't help but stare up at him. How can someone related to me be so tall and I'm the size of a shrimp. I sit down at the table and it's slightly cold against my thighs because when I sit down my shorts ride up. After scrolling through my phone for a bit I hear what sounds like a stampede of elephants coming down the stairs. I look up and see Dylan and Ben running to get food.

"Hey Sky," Ben says sweetly.

"Hey," I say waving at both of them.

All Dylan does is looks at me and then back at the food. They both grab plates and start eating. Sitting here awkwardly I decide to text Kelsey. After a couple of minutes of looking through my apps, I still have no response from her. That's weird, she always answers.

I get up from the table, say bye to Ben and Dylan, and sprint to my room. Before I know it I run into something. Looking up to see a tall dark-haired man with piercing blue eyes, also known as Jake.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I stutter.

"It's ok, just watch where you're going next time," he states.

I can't help but replay the scene over in my mind. That man is terrifying. Maybe he just doesn't like the idea of having to take care of me. No, you can't think like that. Of course, he loves you, he is your brother, I remind myself trying to get rid of the bad thoughts. Even though this man is terrifying, it makes him respectable, and deep down I know all I want is his approval. I continue walking to my room a little slower. After managing to make it there without causing any more damage, I flop onto my bed and start to watch some Netflix.

After an hour or so my eyes start to feel sore from staring at the screen for so long. I roll over to the other side of the bed feeling a burst of cold on my side from the unused portion of my bed. I grab the only book I unpacked and start reading. Suddenly there is a knock on my door. I open my eyes realizing that I must have fallen asleep because my room seems to be a lot darker than before.

"Come in," I announced to whoever was at the door.

"Do you want to come shopping with Zach and me after dinner?" Cole asks.

"Yeah sure, sounds fun," I respond.

"Okay. Come down in five minutes we are having an early dinner all together."

As I nod Cole smiles, turns around, walks out, and shuts the door behind him. After the nice nap, I just have to force myself out of what feels like a cloud from heaven. After adjusting my hair, and putting on a cute yellow top and black leggings, I walk out of my room and down to the kitchen. Seeing all my brothers sitting around the long white table made me a little scared. I don't know why but I just felt a weird feeling at the bottom of my stomach.

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