Chapter 12

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My alarm rings as I lie in my bed eye wide open staring at the ceiling. Nighttime goes pretty slow when you're not sleeping. But today is different. I'm excited about school because today is basketball tryouts! I jump out of bed, shut off my alarm, and get dressed. I finish my morning routine and I go to breakfast. I need my energy today because I have none, so I decide to eat two slices of toast, instead of one, with some butter. Once I finish I go to the bathroom and wash out my mouth because of the crumbs around my lips. As I look into the mirror I notice the dark bag under my eyes. My skin looks like it's falling off my face, like some old witch from the Disney movies. I need some concealer and mascara to make my eyes pop out. I run back upstairs to get my makeup but before I'm able to reach my door I run straight into a wall. I was wrong, it's not a wall, it's Dylan's rock hard abs.

"Sorry," I mutter trying to get past Dylan before he sees the tiredness radiating from my face.

He grabs my arm back and brings me back in front of him. "What's the hurry little sis?" My head is still facing the floor so he doesn't see the bags. Knowing my attentive brothers, he will notice immediately and I don't need an international about my sleeping habits right now.

"Hey, Sky, look at me. What's up," he asks in a more serious tone. He puts his finger under my chin lifting my head slightly. I try to keep my gaze down hoping my eyelashes will cover the issue but it doesn't. I hear a small gasp and I know he knows. He takes a deep breath trying to calm himself I think.

"Have you been sleeping?" I hate lying. I hate it so much. I never lie, well except about the whole situation, but that was different. I should probably;y tell him. It's not healthy at this point.

"Not much," I shrug.

"It doesn't look like you had any in a week. Is this because of the nightmare?"

This conversation is way too trivial to have at 7:30 in the morning. I guess it's time to come clean. Maybe it will help?

"Yeah," I whisper as a small, hot tear trickles down my cheek. I quickly go to wipe it away hoping he didn't see but of course he did.

"Come. I think we should go to my room." He walks me to the closest door from where we are. He opens the door and there are clothes scattered everywhere. Classic. I am not surprised. He sits on his bed making the sheets crinkle slightly and then pats the place next to him.

"Why didn't you come to any of us? We told you you can always count on us. We could have helped you." He says with disappointment dripping from every word.

Well, now I feel bad. I keep pushing all my issues onto them and all they are trying to do is help.

"Because ever since I came here all I brought were my problems and it's just much. You guys didn't sign up for this."

"Yes, we did Sky. You are our sister and we love you no matter what you are dealing with. It will be so much better if you let us help you through."

"I know. I just don't want to be a bother."

"You are anything but a bother. You are amazing and strong and we all need help sometimes. You are not weak for asking for help. And if you ever think that again I will keep telling you over and over until you believe it yourself."

There is a long pause while we both try to calm ourselves. It's almost time to go and I don't want us to be late and get in trouble.

I look at my phone and it's already 8 o'clock. "I think we are going to be late."

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that my baby sister is okay." He yells. I can't help but flinch, which makes Dylan angrier. "God I hate that he did this to you."

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