Chapter 39

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Mom will be home any second. I've been waiting all day to tell her what my class did for me.

This year I wasn't really interested in celebrating and I was talking about it during basketball practice. Either someone told, or the coach overheard, because during English today the teacher was busy with a student so we all waited by the door. I didn't think anything of it because of how often things like this occurred. So, my friends and I were casually talking waiting for the door to unlock. Finally, after a good five minutes of class being wasted the door opens. I walk in after everyone because I just happened to be standing furthest from the door. Everyone took out their phones and pointed it towards me. When I walked in I saw birthday signs all over the classroom walls and whiteboards. There was even a cake waiting on my desk. My English teacher and my coach were there beaming, their happiness radiating off their faces. One had a birthday crown in their hand and the other was holding a pin for me.

In utter shock, I could help but cry a tiny bit. I was so happy. Even though I talked about how much I didn't care about this day, or how much I dreaded it, the truth was, I wanted people to care. I was always the birthday person - I come early to school and decorate my friends' lockers, and bake them cakes, and plan their parties, but when it came to my day, no one ever reciprocated. But today, it was incredible. I felt loved and appreciated and I couldn't be happier for the people in my life.

Just when I finish reliving the memories I hear a knock on my door. Mom. She opens the door and jumps into my bed and devours me with hugs and kisses.

"My baby is all grown up!" she says, still kissing all over my face.

I try to push her away, but secretly I like the affection. See, someone does care.

"So how was school? Did everyone wish you a happy birthday?"

"Of course," and then I dive right into the story, sparing no details. She is amazed but not surprised. She goes on and on about how it makes perfect sense why all my friends and teachers love me, but I can't shake that hint of disbelief in her words, even though I know she means them, I don't.

She gets up abruptly and leaves my room without a word. Within a minute she is back with a gallon of mint chip ice cream and two spoons. We eat together for a half hour reminiscing about nothingness and giggling.

"I'm so sorry sweetie, but I have to get back to work, they will be wondering why I took such a long break. I'll be back around 2am. Call if you need anything, but I think you'll be okay, Nick is sleeping over tonight while I'm gone, he wanted to say happy birthday, isn't that sweet?"

"Yeah, mom. He's super sweet." I choke out those words, trying to sound as authentic as possible.

I give her one last hug before she leaves. The door closes behind her. I walk back to my room trying to savor that last hour of peace before he comes and ruins everything.

I call Kelsey for one last birthday wish, considering it's already 11 pm. The door slams shut and that's already a bad sign. I try to stay quiet, hoping he is too drunk to realize that I'm in the house. Surprisingly, this has happened before over a three day period. I survived off my hidden granola bars and gatorade bottles stashed in my closet.

I hear footsteps moving closer. The creaking of the wood gets louder and louder with every step. The plush carpet is no longer beneath his feet and his stomps start to sound like soldiers marching into combat.

That's when my door bursts open. If it weren't for the wall in the way, the door would have done a full rotation from the strength of his push.

"So I hear it's your birthday," Nick spits, his words venomous.

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