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As you were falling, you couldn't stop wondering whether this was really a test. If you could keep up with him, he'd tell you what you wanted to know.

But then again, there was a little voice that kept telling you that he pushed you off because you were annoying, that he hated you, couldn't stand you, you were too clingy...

The ground was getting closer and closer, and you couldn't see anything close by to switch with safely. You quickly reached for your pocket, only to see that it was empty.

And just like that, you were panicking. You were falling to your death.

The adrenaline that your body shot out made you feel like you would get a heart attack. You frantically searched for anything to switch with.

There was no time. The ground was getting closer.

"F/N!" All Might's voice suddenly boomed from above you. You looked up, to see that he was rushing towards you from the sky, face twisted in panic.

You had about a second left to live. He couldn't reach you.

"SWITCH!" He yelled out, and you finally got it.

Your head sent out a pang of pain as you swapped with All Might, making your vision go black for a moment.

When you looked below you, you saw him safely land, and then shoot up from the air again, and when you blinked, you were in his arms.


You were practically melting in his arms, feeling the warmth of his body against you.

"I'M OUT OF PEBBLES, IDIOT!" you yelled back, and nearly passed out from shock at your own actions. You just called All Might, the number one hero, a teacher, a super hot, super nice, super complex, super amazing person you had a giant crush on, an idiot. Good job.

You felt his hands tighten around you, and you had to shut your eyes tightly, because the air whipping your face managed to dry them out completely. You needed to buy sunglasses. Or those glasses pilots used to wear back when planes had an open top.

You landed relatively softly, and carefully climbed out of All Might's arms. You were pissed at him still, but you were more horrified that you called your teacher an idiot.

"I'm sorry-" you both said at the same time. He had a serious expression on his face, and he held his hand out for you to stop talking, so you obeyed.

"That was very reckless of me, L/N. I assumed you had pebbles to switch with, and put you in a very dangerous situation. You almost died because of me. I'm truly sorry, and I understand your anger and frustration, especially because I so rudely evaded answering your questions. I was hoping that by throwing you off and getting you to chase me, you would focus on that and forget about the questions, since you seem to have a very short attention span."

"Oh wow, rude. For your information, mr. Hero, my attention span is excellent right now, because I drank enough coffee to last me a lifetime. Second of all, I'm very glad to hear that was your goal, and would've gladly played along if I had pebbles on me. For a moment there I thought you hated me, haha," you said, letting out an awkward laugh at the last sentence.

All Might's eyes widened in shock when you said that. "Now, L/N, that's nonsense! If I thought you were overstepping a boundary, I would've told you so, not thrown you off!" His gaze softened. "You really don't think highly enough of yourself, do you?"

You were taken aback by such a direct accusation. You quickly cleared your throat. "Uhm, well, I forgive you. But I still want an answer. What did you mean by my eyes being familiar?"

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