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//Guys. I just realized. I am a whole-ass fucking university psychology student, and I write All Might fan-fiction in my free time. Don't stay in school, kids.

Also, some of you were worried about smut: I will mark the chapters that contain smut, and I will heavily mark the scenes itself so you can skip it if you want to (or if you're under 18. that's right, I'm looking at you, reading this!) This chapter does NOT contain any sexual scenes. Sorry.

When you arrived at All Might's door, you were dead.

You were barely dragging your body behind you, all your limbs feeling like they had individually got run over by a truck forty-five times. You felt like a truck had used you as its punching bag, and then hit your head with a hammer a billion times, form the inside.

You had blood pooling around your nose still, your arms were bruised, you were drenched in sweat, and ready to just pass out and die.

Meanwhile, Gran Torino was as cheerful and happy as ever as he rang the doorbell. 

You heard footsteps from the other side, and the door opened, revealing All Might in his true form, wearing an oversized white shirt and grey sweatpants. He look cheerful at first, but when he saw you, he frowned.

"Gran Torino, she looks half-dead."

Gran Torino waved him off. "She's fine, Toshinori," he replied, and pushed past All Might to go inside.

You gave All Might a tired grin and a shaky thumbs up. "Yup! I'm just fine! Great!"

All Might sighed and moved aside to give you space to enter.

After you took your shoes off and stood up with a pained grunt, your legs shaky and tired, All Might blocked your path. He reached his hand towards your face, and you froze, your body ignited by the butterflies in your stomach, your heartbeat speeding up. Ugh, how could he make you feel this way every time?

His finger brushed against your upper lip, wiping off some of the dried blood as he tsked.

"Seeing you like this reminds me of my own training days with Gran Torino," he said, and let his hand fall to his side, his lips curling into a sad smile. "It was a tough time. But his training is the reason I succeeded. Even if it pains me to see you so tired and beaten, I know it will be worth it. Come to the living room for dinner after you get cleaned up, F/N."

"Thanks, Toshinori," you said, purposely using his real name, because he used your first name. You rarely called him by his real name, usually only in public, before people knew about his true form, but you liked it. It felt more... personal.

He raised his eyebrow when you called him that. "Don't get too used to calling me that. You'll have to go back to calling me All Might, or sensei, once we're in the U.A."

"I can call you daddy, too," you said without thinking.

For a moment, you both were just staring at each other in horror. All Might's eyes were wide, and his cheeks pink, and you were red as a tomato.

"I didn't mean to say that!" you blurted out. "I'm sorry! So sorry! Uh- gotta go! Sorry!"

You quickly brushed past him and wobbled over to your room.

Why were you so embarrassing? He said just friends! Why couldn't you respect that? Oh, god, you felt like a terrible person. He clearly set a boundary, and you broke it with your tired, horny ass. He showed you so much respect, so why couldn't you show him the same amount of respect back?

With those thoughts swirling inside your mind, you grabbed a towel and fresh clothes and rushed to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After you were done, you joined All Might- no, Toshinori, and Gran Torino in the living room. They were already at the table, and you felt your stomach rumble at the sight and smell of food. You were so hungry it hurt.

I am here! [ All Might x Reader ] ( BNHA ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora