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//UHHH I might've ordered an All Might wig- so you can expect a Small Might cosplay from me when it arrives lmao

After recovering enough, both you and Kota jumped onto Deku's back. He assured you he could take it, and that his legs were working fine, so you just held on as he used his quirk to get you back to camp.

Suddenly, before you reached camp, you saw Aizawa running through the woods.

"Sensei!" you called out, getting his attention.

"Uh- L/N, Midoriya-" he stopped, realizing that you both were utterly broken.

"Aizawa Sensei..." Deku said. "I'm glad! It's terrible! We need to go to Mandalay first, take care of Kota, please-"

"Midoriya! L/N! Do you remember what happened with the hero killer? It's against the rules to cause injury with your quirks." He sighed. "Tell Mandalay that everyone is given permission to engage in combat. I'll face the repercussions as necessary."

You were about to climb onto Deku's back again, but Aizawa stopped you. "L/N! You're in no position to fight with a broken ankle. You're coming with me."


"You won't be of any use when you're broken. Get fixed up. I also bet you used your quirk over the limit again. Don't argue with me."

"Sorry, Sensei," you said, straightening up. "They're after Bakugou Katsuki, too. He's my friend. I won't leave him behind, and I won't leave Deku behind. Just a single swap from me could save their lives."

Aizawa seemed to consider this for a moment, and then sighed.

"I'll make you a splint. I think your ankle is just sprained."

You nodded, grinning. "Great! Deku, you go and tell Mandalay. I'll make my way towards Kacchan."

He nodded, and with a smile, he was off.

Aizawa had you sit down while he told Kota to fetch him a sturdy piece of wood.

It took him only a few minutes to tie your leg down using a piece of his own weapon, using the piece of wood as a splint.

"Right. Remember, L/N, avoid fighting. It's not what you're used to, but you'll have to play the support role now. Good luck."

"Thank you, Sensei! I promise I'll bring them all back alive and unharmed!"

You quickly discovered that you couldn't really move as fast as you were hoping. You had to limp heavily, and your run was very broken and very painful. It didn't help that your head felt like it had been ran over by a truck, and that your broken arm felt like it had pieces of broken glass inside it rather than bones. You had tried inspecting your wound, and found out that your bone was actually shattered. You once again couldn't begin to imagine what kind of pain Deku was in now, given that his entire arm was in that condition, and he had also used it while broken with 100% power.

It took you quite long to reach the first of your classmates.

Tsuyu was pinned to a wall by a knife, holding her up by her hair, while Ochaco was straddling a blonde woman dressed in schoolgirl clothes.

"Hey!" you called out. Your friends shifted their attention to you, and the villain Ochaco was holding down suddenly pushed her off and leapt away, her eyes glued to you.


Suddenly, from the trees opposite of you, emerged Shoji, carrying Deku on his back, and Todoroki, carrying an unconscious student from 1B.

The villain used the opportunity to run away, and you barely contained yourself from trying to follow.

After exchanging 'are you okay'-s, Deku announced that they had met up with Tokoyami and Kacchan, and that they were escorting Kacchan back to camp.

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