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Your brain ignited again, and you could move.

"What are you saying? My uncle is your colleague?" you asked, getting to your feet, curling your hands into fists so tightly you drew blood.

The villain chuckled. "Oh, you don't know, that's right. Sorry for the spoilers, kid! Don't worry, we'll get the two of you reunited real soon. Where do you think he's been all these months? Hatching a plan to kill All Might and your little class, of course!"


No, that couldn't be. Your uncle... a villain? No. You refused to believe that. He taught you morals, he taught you to be good, to be kind, he bought you All Might merchandise... No way.

"You're lying! Nice try, but you won't fool me!" you yelled back, the anger pulsating in your head.

"Oh, you'll see for yourself soon, little one. Stay back now, and don't make me hurt-"

You weren't about to wait for his monologue to end. Fueled by blinding range, you attacked.

"We'll make easy work of you, idiot!" you yelled out, throwing out a bunch of pebbles and swapping around him, managing to get in a kick and just barely swapping out of his range. You weren't wearing good clothes for fighting. Your ankles and wrists were exposed, and this man seemed to know about your quirk. He could know it's weakness. Especially if what he said about your uncle was true.

"Oh, come on now, F/N! We're just after your friend, Bakugou. If you help me fighting, our boss might reward you!"

Kacchan? Why?

You didn't have time to ponder about it, because the villain was going right at you.

"Well, if you won't cooperate, then I have no choice but to knock you out. They won't mind if I bring you back with broken bones, as long as you're alive..."

Now that the initial adrenaline shock was wearing off, you realised just how poor the condition you were in was. You ahd been pushing your quirk to its limit the entire day, and you had swapped all the way to Kota, and then brought Deku with you... Your head was on fire, and you were feeling woozy, wobbly on your feet. You couldn't swap for much longer. You really needed to play your cards perfectly.

Deku seemed to have recovered from getting embedded into a wall. Kota was safe for now, behind the villain, so that was one less thing to worry about.

Before the villain's punch could connect, you swapped with a rock far behind him. Good thing you swapped far, because he was expecting a swap, since he ended up following up with another punch behind him, and you were just barely out of range, forced to jump back to avoid him.

Luckily, Deku was coming up behind him. He powered up, and delivered a powered up punch straight to his back.

Except that the villain had swapped his muscle mass all where Deku's punch landed... and his punch did absolutely nothing.

"What? That's your Quirk?" the villain mocked as you and Deku were left speechless.

The villain followed up with swatting Deku away, then jumping up, about to punch him once more.

You threw some pebbles after them and swapped, managing to grab hold of Deku just in time, and swapped the two of you back onto the ground.

"Deku, I can't swap much more," you said, now barely standing upright. "You need to end it in one punch. Got it?"

Deku straightened up, blood oozing down his face. He nodded. "Got it!"

To your dismay, Kota threw a pebble at the villain's head. "Water Hose... my parents... Did you torment them like that too, before you killed them?"

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