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When you woke up, you were confused. You were in an unfamiliar environment.

It took you a few moments to realize that you were in All Might's guest room- now your room.

You didn't remember going to bed... Had All Might carried you to bed? The thought made you blush. Did that mean you fell asleep during the movie? Embarrassing.

You sat up and looked around. The sun was slowly setting through the window- you'd slept for several hours, and your stomach was giving you pangs of pain. You looked around the room, and noticed that there were two duffel bags next to your bed- probably your stuff that Deku's mom brought you. You loved that woman.

Deciding that you should probably changed from your ripped, dirty, blood-stained clothes, you grabbed a clean shirt and clean sweatpants from the duffel bags. It was a bit tough to change, due to the fact that you were heavily bandaged, and your arm had a cast.

The conversation from before you had fallen asleep weighed heavy on your mind, but you did your best not to think about it. You simply couldn't make sense of it. You just had to kill All for One, and solve the issue for good.

With a bit of difficulty, you stumbled out of your room, and headed for the living room, wondering if All Might was still home. To your surprise, he was in the kitchen, and he turned around to give you a smile and a thumbs up when you walked in. A wonderful smell was coming from the kitchen, causing your stomach to growl hungrily.

"L/N! I hope you've had a good rest. I see that you found your stuff! Great! Food will be ready in a couple of minutes. After we eat, I'll be taking you to the hospital so recovery girl can heal you for the final time."

You weren't sure how to feel. All Might was cooking for you. Taking care of you. It was so bizarre... Not that you could complain.

The food he made was delicious, and you probably thanked him a million times for making it, and he brushed off each of your thanks with a smile. After that, it was time to go to the hospital.

"You know, Midoriya and some of your classmates are still at the hospital. I'm not really supposed to let you meet anyone else, but nobody has to know," All Might said as you were putting on your shoes.

"Thank you, All Might!" you replied, heading to the front door.

"Oh- we'll be leaving from the roof, L/N," All Might stopped you, and you turned back around, following him to the door at the very end of the hallway. You had completely forgotten about his roof access, and how proud he was to have it.

The door led into an empty room with a trapdoor on top, and when All Might pulled it open, it extended into a ladder. "Do you think you can climb?"

You nodded. "Of course." He let you go first. It was a bit difficult to climb with one hand and one leg, but your muscles were trained, so you were done in no-time.

The view from the roof was as magnificent as All Might made it seem, with the sun setting in the distance above the sea, the noises of the city close, but not that close. It was serene, almost.

"It's quite nice, isn't it?" All Might said as he joined you on the rooftop. "I'm afraid we'll  have to go now, though, otherwise recovery girl will end my life. We're already ten minutes late."

You snickered as All Might turned into his muscular form. "I'm used to being late, so don't worry about-"

He didn't even let you finish your sentence before simply scooping you up without warning and leaping off into the air.

You really wished you could look, but you had a feeling the wind would blind you, so you stayed content with remained curled up in his arms.

You landed on the roof of the hospital, and All Might carefully placed you down. He stayed in his muscular form as he led you inside, with people staring and greeting him left and right. He just smiled and waved in return, before he pulled you into a room, where recovery girl was sitting still on a stool, her gaze piercing right through your soul.

I am here! [ All Might x Reader ] ( BNHA ) Where stories live. Discover now