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//What's up? How's your day going? U doing good? :D

You knew that All Might was fast, but.... you weren't ready for this. 

He disappeared out of view after only a few seconds as you ran to the absolute best of your abilities. You cursed, deciding to use your quirk to catch up the bastard - you were really looking forward to that icecream. As you pulled out your slingshot from your belt and prepared to launch a pebble, a large figure suddenly ran at you from the direction you were running in, stopping just inches from your face with a grin on their face, scaring the shit out of you.

All Might had just dashed back. 

"Uh-uh, L/N, no quirks!" he said, placing his hand on yours gently as he confiscated your tool. 

"I'm pretty sure you used your quirk just now! Mr. Cool and Fast!" you said, your heart still beating quickly from getting scared out of your mind. And from the fact that if you leaned forwards a bit, your nose would be touching All Might.

"I decided that you've been through enough this morning. I'm calling the race off, so let's walk like normal people now," he said, taking a step back as he examined your slingshot with interest.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" you asked him, and he shrugged, his face showing uncertainty for a single second.

"Ah, I realised that you've fought off a villain by yourself just now. You deserve a rest," he said, handing you your slingshot back. You shot him a doubtful look - there was definitely more to it than he let on. He saw you looking at him sceptically, and sighed.

"Well, I guess now's as good a time as any to reveal it... just have to make sure nobody's near to see..." he muttered. You kept looking at him expectantly when he suddenly scooped you up into his arms, bridal style, giving you no chance to comprehend what in the world was going on as you clutched his arm.

"Do you like heights, L/N?" he asked, grinning down at you. You felt nauseous just thinking of what he was probably planning on doing.

"On the other hand, All Might, I decided that I don't really have to know the secret, I'm sure you can tell me some other time, there's really no need to- AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" he suddenly pushed off from the ground and far into the air.

You held on for dear life as you buried your face in his chest, feeling fear course through veins and your stomach do somersaults while All Might laughed in the background. It got worse when the ascent turned into a descent, and you felt like you were about to pass out.

"ARE YOU ENJOYING YOURSELF?" All Might yelled through the wind.

"IWILLKILLYOU!" you replied, not sure if he even heard you, considering your head was still buried in his chest. You were far too terrified to enjoy your current position, in his arms.

And just as suddenly as the jump began, it was over. All Might landed with a loud thud, but you barely felt the impact. Your head felt like it was empty and your brain felt dead. You slowly peeled your head away from All Might as he let you drop onto the ground.

You yelped when you noticed where you were, and backed up into All Might in fear.

You were on top of a very very tall building. So tall that you could see clouds forming below you. You instantly felt dizzy. 

"It's fine, L/N! I won't let you fall! Follow me to the middle now, where you can't see the edge. Your fear of heights is also something we'll have to work on!" he announced happily, and you felt your face get three shades paler. You reluctantly followed him to the middle of the empty rooftop. The wind was quite strong up there, and your hair was flying in all directions. All Might's two bangs were, on the other hand, just slightly bending to the wind while remaining perfectly in place.

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