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//guys im so sorry for not updating my hormones were calm for a while but with bnha coming back with a new season they awaken! Short one to get you guys back in the mood :D

You whistled to yourself as you walked towards the UA, the warm rays of sun dancing on your skin. You felt like you could just close your eyes and fall asleep on your feet. It had been a while since you took a nice, slow walk, and you enjoyed the moments without any panic and hurry.

You glanced at your phone screen to check the time and gasped. You were three minutes late already.

You bid your relaxing walk farewell as you located your classroom window, which was open, as usual. With practiced motion, your scarred hands took hold of your trusty slingshot as you aimed a pebble with deadly precision. You watched calmly as it swished towards the open window, and just as it passed the threshold, you switched without even breaking a sweat.

You landed without staggering, causing everyone in the room too look at you in confusion.
Every single unfamiliar face of 1b.

As their homeroom teacher stared at you with disapproval, you managed to recollect yourself enough to hurry towards the door, too shocked at your mess-up to even apologise.

As the door clicked closed behind you, you let out a long sigh, face-palming.
"Of course it was the wrong classroom..." you muttered.

A sudden heavy hand on your shoulder startled you, making you flail your hands in front of you and open your tired eyes wide, nearly screaming when you saw the grinning face of All Might inches from yours.

"Sensei! You scared the shit out of me!" you said, unable to contain yourself as your hammering heart calmed down once All Might out some distance between the two of you, his grin never faltering.

"Language, L/N!" he scolded, but he seemed to excited to really make his scolding true.  "Are you ready? I've been looking for you, L/N."

You scowled in confusion. "Ready for what?" did All Might invite her to some training session she forgot about? No, she would never forget about something like that.

All Might rolled his eyes.

"L/N, did you perhaps suffer from another concussion while switching your way to school?" he teased, and your cheeks reddened as you scoffed.

"Of course not! But I don't remember having to be ready for anything...." you trailed off. All Might grinned even more letting out a fake sigh.

"You do remember barging into the teachers' room and overhearing about me posing as a villain to test your class's abilities?" All Might asked sceptically, and your mouth formed an 'o'.

"Oh, uh, I didn't know it was today. Aizawa said we had group training today," you reasoned, scratching your head as All Might rolled his eyes once again.

"That's what your class will think, Y/N. Since they haven't seen you yet, they'll assume you're sick and not coming, so it's actually really good you're late. Come now, we have about fifteen minutes to prepare!" All Might said, speaking quicker after he glanced at the clock on the wall.

Excitement shot through you. It was time you and All Might grouped up to traumatise your friends for life.

"That actually never crossed my mind! But I'm always ready to kick ass, sensei. Lead the way and tell me the plan!" you said cheerfully, and All Might shot you a genuine smile as he began walking towards the exit.

"It's quite simple, Y/N. They will be doing search and rescue. However, we will come crash the party. Todoroki is in on the plan, and he will pretend to be defeated in order to scare your classmates and make them believe from the start that we are a force to be reckoned with. And then we simply fight them to the best of our abilities."

"Who do you think will win?" you asked curiously. All Might winked at you.

"If I was alone, I would've had no doubts they'd win. And your class would also have you in the team, and once good swap from you could be a gamechanger. With you on my side, however, we might put up a fair fight. What matters is you fight the best you can, without permanently hurting anyone and without exposing your identity, which means you can't mindlessly swap all the time because they'll know it's you."

An idea began forming inside your head. One that might just work...

"Got it, All Might-sensei." you said as the two of you stopped before a storage room.

"Our villain costumes are ready. They are made to hide our identities and look evil and villainous. Remember, young L/N, you must act like a villain!"

After going off to change, you took a moment to admire yourself in the mirror. You were given a full black outfit which covered every bit of your skin, with spikes coming out of your belt and on the side of your boots. You were also given a biker helmet, modified with a bit more spikes. You did definitely not look like Y/N L/N.

You walked out of the room to see that All Might was already done ajd waiting. If you hadn't known that it was All Might, you would've never guessed.

He looked absolutely terrifying. So terrifying, in fact, that your body had already entered fight or flight mode. Everything from his pants to the spikes on his shoulders was terrifying, and his helm provided complete anonymity.

And he was hot as hell.

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