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//Eyo guys, my chapters get like 200 more reads than they do votes, so which one of yall isn't voting??? also comment because yall's comments are making me laugh like a maniac at 3am

The emergency services arrived within fifteen minutes.

Everything was hazy and unreal to you. You were boiling in rage, your new quirk still going strong. Deku had explained to Aizawa the entire situation, since you were too dazed to speak, and he ended up taking your quirk away, at which point you passed out.

The very next day, right after you woke up, bandaged and in pain, Aizawa informed you that him and you would be heading back to the UA.

You knew that it was because of your relations to the villains. You didn't have to ask.

The trip was spent in silence. You hadn't spoken a single word since the villains had disappeared. To your relief, Aizawa seemed to be in a similar mood to yours.

"L/N, I want you to know that I believe you had no idea about your uncle. The police will be present at the UA today, too. You'll just have to tell us everything you know. They've already searched your home for any clues. But I do have to warn you- there are some who are skeptical about your involvement. Especially the police. But you don't have to worry. Just answer honestly. I'll make sure nothing bad happens."

"You know who my father is, don't you, Sensei?" you asked. You were grateful that he believed you, you really were- but you couldn't stop thinking about this. Your voice came out hoarse and broken when you spoke.

Aizawa froze at your question, and then he sighed. "We've had our doubts. But after this incident, we know for certain. You'll find out soon, L/N. All Might will probably be the one to tell you. There's one more thing you need to know, L/N. What happened yesterday wasn't your fault. It was the fault of us, the organizers."

You scoffed. "Yeah, sure. Even with two quirks, I couldn't save Katsuki. It's just pathetic."

"Stop that," he said, right as your car stopped. "We're here, L/N. We can discuss who's at fault later."

Aizawa held you by the elbow as you made your way into the UA, using a back exist to avoid the river of reporters that had gathered at the main gates. It turned out that your new quirk didn't magically heal your ankle, it just made you not feel the pain, so it got pretty messed up when you ran on it, and your broken wrist got even more broken when you used it to shatter your uncle's forearm. Your condition was too bad for recovery girl to be able to use her quirk on you, so the doctors did the best they could, but it would take you some time to fully heal. At this stage, you were heavily limping and in constant pain, but it was far better than the pain you were in the day before.

You limped into the meeting room with Aizawa, seeing just what you were expecting to see.

Principal Nezu was sitting at the head of the table, and the other teachers and a member of the police were siting on the sides. All Might, in his small form, gave you a look that seemed very sad, and Present Mic gave you a thumbs up. Midnight and the other teacher both frowned at you, while the police dude seemed unfazed. Nezu gave you a small rodent smile.

"Good, you're here! L/N, take a seat, please," Nezu said, pointing to a couch that was facing their table. You gratefully obeyed, and Aizawa sat down next to you.

"L/N, we know everything that happened yesterday from Aizawa. But we'd like you to retell everything that happened, from your perspective," Nezu said. You nodded, cleared your throat, and launched into telling.

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