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You sat in your seat excitedly as Aizawa announced that you would be choosing your hero names. 

You felt slightly nervous, but you were excited. Before a discussion could break out within the class, the door swung open and in came Midnight.

She explained everything with more depth and told you that you had fifteen minutes to come with a name.

Almost instantly, a few of your classmates scribbled something down, but your mind was blank.

What did you do? You swapped. Switched. Y/N... could you combine the two? You doubted it. What was your goal? To save people? That was every hero's goal, it wouldn't do. 

After the fifteen-minute mark, you decided to settle for Switch. It was simple and it simply described your quirk.

"Exellent, Switch!" Midnight approved of your choice as your class cheered. You gave them a wide smile before returning to your seat, happy with your hero name.

After everyone presented their names, Aizawa talked about workplace training and showed you how many nominations everyone got. You were quite shocked to see that you got the highest number of nominations among your classmates, with Katsuki and Todoroki close behind you. 

Aizawa gave you all lists of the heroes and agencies who nominated you and gave you until the end of the week to decide. You opened your list in excitement, wondering which heroes chose you.

As soon as you saw the first name on the list, you nearly shrieked and let the paper flutter out of your hand. The whole class looked away from their lists to look at you while Deku picked up your list, his jaw dropping as he read the first name.

"It's A- All Might!" he announced, and the whole class went silent before beginning to congratulate you, but you were still in disbelief. Why would he want you instead of Deku?

As you and Deku left the classroom together, you were stopped by All Might.

"Ah! L/N, Midoriya, please, follow me!" he said as he sprinted off towards ta lone corridor. You and Deku shared a look before following him. Your cheeks were still flushed pink - you couldn't believe he nominated you!

"All Might-sensei, why did you choose me instead of Deku?" you asked as soon as All Might stopped, and spoke before he had a chance to say anything. He was wearing his yellow suit, and looking as handsome as ever, making your heart race crazily. All Might grinned down at you.

"That is exactly what I wanted to talk about! You see, I'm quite terrible at teaching Midoriya about One for All. He has been nominated by Gran Torino, the man who, uh, taught me!" he said, seeming nervous at the mention of Gran Torino. "And I believe that Gran Torino will do a much better job at teaching Midoriya to control One for All without hurting himself than I would ever do. Besides, young L/N, I know just what to do with you! Your quirk has a lot of potential! I believe that my knowledge will be useful to your progress. You are just scratching the surface of your potential, and I know that I can help you." 

"That's great, All Might! I am happy to work with your former mentor! And I think that Y/N will benefit from your training!" Deku said instantly, pumping his fist into the air with enthusiasm. You, on the other hand, were barely keeping yourself together. You were going to work under All Might. Privately. 

"That's so cool, All Might! I can't wait! I'm sure you'll teach me lots! I will be become better!" you said, feeling grateful that he seemed to have forgotten all your previous embarrassing incidents. 

"I'm sure you will, L/N! I assume you chose me? No hard feelings if you chose someone else!" All Might said, and you quickly shook your head.

"No! Of course I chose you, All Might, I'm not crazy!" 

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