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Your instincts took over you, and you threw yourself forward, bringing the kid down with you as the baseball bat flew above you, slamming itself into the wall. It was thrown with such force that it got stuck inside of it - that blow would've killed either one of you.

"Bitch, let Richard go!" a man's voice spoke as you got up to your feet. A few meters away from you stood a bulky man with a sleeveless shirt. He had engines on his wrists, kinda like Iida's quirk. That was why he was able to throw that bat so forcefully.

You felt a jolt of fear shoot through you, before you replaced your surprised expression with a smile. You were aware that the boy, Richard, had slipped away, but you didn't mind. He was just a kid - the real problem was the engine guy.

"Ah, finally, a villain! Don't let the kid do your bidding. That was a cheap trick you pulled, what if I just dodged?" you asked as you both tensed, beginning to circle each other. The villain grinned at you.

"You heroes are too selfless, I knew you wouldn't have let him die. I've never seen you before. You some kind of new hero? That's a retarded costume," he said. You snickered. If he knew it was All Might's shirt, he'd change his mind. And where the hell was All Might, anyways?

"You could say that. I guess you ought to know the name of the one to bring you down, villain - I'm Switch," you announced. While you were speaking, you had ripped off a button from your pants' pocket, since your pebbles were still in your backpack. You had also slipped the backpack off earlier, as not to hinder you during the fight.

You held your button safely in your hand, aware that you would have only one shot at executing your best move - the mid-air kick. You had to do it perfectly. You needed a perfect chance.

The man laughed, and then suddenly ran at you, activating his quirk as the boost from his arms increased his speed. His hand flew towards you faster than you could blink. But you were ready, and you already had some experience fighting against such quirks. Their power was devastating - when it hit. He would take some time to recover, and the engine would overheat. It was bad to assume such things, but it seemed only logical.

You managed to dodge under his swing at the last second, but your inexperience was made obvious when his knee slammed into your gut, sending you away onto the ground as pain jolted through you from all sides, leaving you breathless and hurt. You were given no chance to recover, because he was charging at you again.

"I will make your death painless, Switch!" he yelled. You forced your eyes open and noticed that your hand miraculously kept hold of the button. Now was the time to use it. 

You forced yourself to get to your feet, your stomach feeling like a thousand knives had been plunged into it. Luckily, he missed your ribs, and the muscle your had had somewhat cushioned the force of the punch. 

Your clenched your fist as raw determanation filled your body. All Might wasn't interfering yet - which either meant that he trusted you would get out of this on your own, or something happened and you couldn't count on him coming to the rescue. 

He charged at you again, a manic grin on his face. You mimicked his expression, making him frown. Then, you threw the button above him. It was so dark that you could barely see it, and if you were to look away, you'd lose sight of it. But that also meant that the engine dude didn't see it.

You were nervous, more so than ever as you ran towards the man, beginning your kick. 

Then, you swapped.

"Huh?" you heard the villain exclaim as his fist hit empty air. And then your foot slammed into his head. You wished you had your reinforced soles, but you had enough strength because the villain toppled onto the ground. You landed on your feet, but then you stumbled and fell on your butt, weakness overcoming you now that the adrenaline was gone. You quickly crawled over towards the villain, confirming that he was unconscious. 

"L/N!" you heard the familiar voice of All Might call out just as you heard him land behind you. You turned around from your kneeling position and grinned at him, showing a thumbs up. He was holding your backpack in one hand and clutching Richard by the shirt with the other. His face was full of pride.

"All Might, I did it!" you said happily, getting up on your feet proudly. All Might grinned at you and let your backpack drop to the ground as he swung his free hand over at you and pulled your towards him in a hug, burying your face in his chest. Your body pumped adrenaline through you again as you blushed madly before  he let you go, chuckling.

"I knew you could do it! Although I was a bit worried when he sent you flying across the street. L/N, I've been watching you and analysing you, and I know just what we have to work on. Your decision-making and observing skills are excellent, you noticed that there was something wrong and acted correctly. I was afraid that you wouldn't, but you proved me wrong. However, you're not using your strength and quirk to their full potential. Not even to a quarter of their potential. Otherwise, excellent job! Do you know who you've just defeated?" he spoke quickly, and you took in his every work and memorised it. You happened to memorise everything All Might had said to you and replay it in your head to uplift your mood instantly. 

You glanced at the villain, who was still unconscious. "No idea, honestly. He was pretty strong, but he didn't know my quirk. Still, if he had better reflexes, he could've blocked my attack, so I assume it's some low-life thug," you said. All Might's grin widened as he laughed, making the kid that he was still holding on to grunt and mutter: "I'm still here, you know...", but was ignored.

"That's Quick Punch! He is a criminal who is one of the leaders of a thieving organisation that lures in poor young people with promises of getting them rich. I assume this boy was new to this ordeal, so Quick Punch was there for guidance and if anything went wrong. Good job! The police should be here at any minute. I'll just tie these guys up and we'll be on our way," he announced, and the boy looked horrified again.

"M-me too?!" he squeaked, and All Might replied by tying his wrist and feet.

While he was tying up the larger villain, you picked up your bag from your floor and felt your stomach rumble.

"Let's find somewhere for me to finally change and actually have breakfast, please!" you said. 

"Of course! Follow me, young hero!" he said, and you took off behind him, going back the way you came from.

"Shouldn't we wait for the police?" you asked him as you came to a stop in another dark alley.

"They know it was me who called, and we can't exactly let them know it was you who defeated them. You don't have your provisional licence yet! But I'm a bad teacher," he said, laughing at the end of his sentence as he turned away from you and walked towards the edge of the street, leaving you to change.

You put on the rest of your costume and shoved All Might's shirt, which was now stained, dirty, and sweaty and there was no way you could return it without washing it, into your backpack. Your pockets were filled with stones from the beach and your trusty slingshot was by your side. You often used it to get to school faster when you were late, without getting seen by anyone, of course. 

"Let's go!" you said when you were ready, and All Might grinned at you with a thumbs up.

"Nice abs!" he praised you, and you blushed.

"T-thanks! You too!" you said quickly, instantly regretting your words when he laughed, putting an arm over your shoulder as you nearly stumbled under the weight. He had no idea what he was doing to your poor teenage body. You would definitely get a heart attack during the internship.

"Why thank you! How about a race?" he said, and you quickly shook your head.

"Are you kidding? It wouldn't be a race, it would be you taking a nap before I caught up with you!" you said as he let his arm drop back by his side.

"Don't underestimate yourself, L/N! It shall be a race without quirks. Think of it like a morning jog," he said.

"We've already had one of those. And I was carrying bricks!" you said, and All Might grinned apologetically.

"Well, running is healthy. I'll let you have some ice-cream if you manage to keep up!" he said. You were about to demand a bucketful of icecream, but he was already running. You sighed.

"Here we go again..."

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