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"Deku!" you yelled out in annoyance, quickly closing the door behind you. "What are you doing?!"

He had an unreadable expression on his face as he lowered the bucket list to look at you. "F/N. I can't believe you've done this..."

You blushed furiously. "Look, Deku, you know I've liked him! And we got close while I was staying with him, and it happened, but he said it can't happen again, because it's immoral because he's my teacher, but it still happened and-"

"I'm not talking about the fact you kissed him, Y/N," he interrupted you. "I'm talking about the fact that you didn't tell me about it!"

You burst out laughing.

"Oh, thank god! I thought you were about to lecture me on how immoral it is to kiss All Might. Sorry I didn't tell you, but I didn't want to breach All Might's trust. It wasn't really supposed to happen... Besides, we just almost got caught by Aizawa while... kissing."

His jaw hit the floor. " You kissed again? So, it wasn't a one time thing? Are you dating?"

You sighed and decided that it was time to explain the situation. "You see, young Midoriya-"

"Don't call me that," he interrupted.

"Well, considering I'll be your mother figure soon-"


"Okay, okay, sorry..." you went on to explain in very little detail how your quirk actually worked, how All Might said he had feelings for you but wanted to wait until you graduated at least, how you kissed him anyways, and then how you kissed while watching a horror movie and you had to jump out the window to evade Aizawa.

"Oh... I actually can't believe this is happening," he said. "Your dreams are literally coming true, Y/N! I never thought my dreams of meeting All Might would ever come true, let alone your dreams of kissing him!"

"Right," you said, and quickly snatched the bucket list from his hands. "I'm burning this now. It's brought me enough pain-"

The door to your room suddenly swung open. You had just enough time to crumple up the list and stuff it in your pocket as you turned around to face the intruder.

It was a very, very, pissed off Aizawa, followed by a very, very awkward All Might.

" L/N!" he said, sounding as pissed off as he looked. Before you knew it, he swung his scarf out, and you were bound in place.

"Uh, hi, sensei!" you squeaked.

"Don't hi sensei me!" he said. "Have you forgotten that you're a high priority target? You were missing for over an hour. We thought the league of villains got to you. Do you have any idea how close I was to calling the police and organizing a rescue mission? While you were just swapping around?"

" Uh, I'm sorry, sensei! I didn't think it would cause such a panic. It won't happen again. I promise!"

He tsked. "My words and threats of expulsion clearly don't get through that thick head of yours. But All Might's words might." He looked back at All Might, letting you go from his scarf prison. "Go on, reprimand her."

Oh, god. This was so awkward...

All Might suddenly proofed into his buff form, and took a step towards you. You couldn't even look him in eye, because you couldn't stop thinking about what happened between the two of you just ten minutes prior.

"L/N!" he said seriously. You tried your best to keep a straight face as you slowly faced him.

"Sorry, I-" you started, but he cut you off.

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