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"Y/N!" Deku shook you from your sleep. You were in a waiting room with your head on your table, and were dreaming of All Might before he woke you up.

"What the fuck, Deku, I was sleeping!" you said groggily.

"Y/N, the tournament starts in ten minutes!" he warned, and you widened your eyes in surprise before jumping to your feet. You almost forgot.

"Oh shit, thanks, Deku!" you said as the two of you dashed out of the room.

"You're welcome!" he said as you ran down the stairs and towards the field.

"How did you find me? And why were you even looking for me?"

"Oh, I was, um, chatting with All Might nearby and we heard snoring."

You stopped in your tracks, horrified.

"You heard me snore?" you asked quietly, and Deku nodded apologetically. Your face was red.

"That's so fucking embarrassing, I will never be able to look him in the eyes again, oh my god, just kill me now, I hope this building breaks down and buries me and I-" you started rambling.

"Y/N!" Deku interrupted you, smiling. "It's okay! He found it funny, not weird or anything." 

You sighed. rubbing your face nervously. Why did that have to happen to you? Snoring? You weren't even aware that you snored!

You forced yourself to smile widely again, thinking of how you would win the tournament.

"I'm fine. You're up first, right, Deku? Go, I'll be cheering for you!" you said, seeing that you reached a point where you'd have to separate. 

"Thanks, Y/N! See ya!" he said before trotting down to the arena while you made your way towards the stands. You felt nervousness flow through your veins, mixed with embarrassment from what happened. But one thought about what All Might said had you smiling and feeling confident again.

"Hey, Y/N, who the fuck is Uraraka?" Katsuki asked you after a few minutes, and you looked at him as if he was crazy.

"You're kidding, right? Ochaco Uraraka?" you said. He kept staring at you blankly before you sighed and pointed at her.

"Ah," he just said and turned his gaze back towards the arena. 

Deku was up against a guy with weird purple hair. Your classmates later explained that he controlled people when they replied to him, and he was from the general course. 

You watched as the idiot Deku replied to him and began walking out of bounds, in spite of being warned not to talk to him. But he somehow managed to snap out of it and wrestled the purple boy to victory.

Next up were Todoroki versus Sero, and then it would be you versus a girl from 1B, Ibara Shiozaki. From what you've seen, her quirk was likely related to her hair, which was made of vines. You didn't know whether she had any other powers. But she likely didn't know much about your power, either, because your quirk wasn't clearly visible and your hero costume revealed nothing. 

You didn't get a chance to see Deku before your match. 

As you felt every single pair of eyes on you, watching and judging, you wanted to back down. Present Mic announced you as 'the swap kid', to which you laughed, while Shiozaki seemed horrified she was presented as an assassin. 

"Good luck!" you called out to her, and she smiled.

"To you as well!"

And the battle began. 

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